Bibliographic Sources of British Armorial Bindings

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C. Campbell, Vitruvius Britannicus, 2 vol. London: , 1715.
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T. Brown, Works. London: , 1715.
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Virgil, Aeneis. London: , 1714.
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P. Hélyot, Histoire des ordres monastiques, religieux et militaries. Paris: , 1714.
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Whig and Tory, or, Wit on both sides. London: , 1713.
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T. Lucretius Carus, De rerum natura libri sex. London: , 1712.
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J. Morton, Natural history of Northampton-shire, with some account of the antiquities. London: , 1712.
J. Morton, Natural history of Northampton-shire, with some account of the antiquities. London: , 1712.
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J. Gronovius, Infamia emendationum in Menandri reliquias nuper editarum Trajecti ad Rhenum. Leiden: , 1710.
J. Gronovius, Infamia emendationum in Menandri reliquias nuper editarum Trajecti ad Rhenum. Leiden: , 1710.
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N. Taubmann, Memoirs of the British fleets and squadrons in the Mediteranean, anno 1708 and 1709. London: , 1710.
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