Bibliographic Sources of British Armorial Bindings

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T. Blundeville, Fower chiefest offices belonging to horsemanshippe, that is to say, the office of the breeder, of the rider, of the keeper, and of the ferrer. London: , 1570.
Homelie against disobedience and wylfull rebellion. London: , 1570.
R. Gwalther, In Evangelium Iesu Christi secundum Marcum homiliæ CXXXIX. Zurich: , 1570.
Conway, John, Sir, Meditations and praiers, gathered out of the sacred letters, and vertuous writers. London: , 1570.
Plutarch, Moralia, quæ usurpantur. Paris: , 1570.
J. Wolf, Nehemias, sive, In Nehemiæ de instaurata Hierosolyma librum. Zurich: , 1570.
G. Cardano, Opus novum de proportionibus numerorum, motuum, ponderum, sonorum, aliarumque rerum mesurandarum. Basel: , 1570.
K. of J. Mabrian, Proesses & vaillances du redoute Mabrian. Paris: , 1570.
A. Palladio, Quattro libri dell’architettura. Venice: , 1570.
A. Palladio, Quattro libri dell’architettura. Venice: , 1570.
R. Ascham, Report and discourse, written by Roger Ascham .. of the affaires and state of Germany. London: , 1570.
S. Brant, Stultifera navis. London: , 1570.
S. Brant, Stultifera navis. London: , 1570.
S. Brant, Stultifera navis. London: , 1570.
Demosthenes, Three orations. London: , 1570.
P. Vergil, Urbinatis Anglicæ historiæ libri vigintiseptem. Basel: , 1570.
P. Vergil, Urbinatis Anglicæ historiæ libri vigintiseptem. Basel: , 1570.
P. Vergil, Urbinatis Anglicæ historiæ libri vigintiseptem. Basel: , 1570.
P. Vergil, Urbinatis Anglicæ historiæ libri vigintiseptem. Basel: , 1570.
P. Vergil, Urbinatis Anglicæ historiæ libris vigintiseptem. Basel: , 1570.
Sextus Empiricus, Adversus mathematicos. Antwerp: , 1569.
of E. Heliodorus, Aethiopian historie. London: , 1569.
H. Estienne, Artis typographicæ querimonia, de illiteratis quibusdam typographis, propter quos in contemptum venit. Geneva: , 1569.
F. Terzi, Austriacæ gentis imagines. Innsbruck: , 1569.
Bible. N.T. Spanish. 1569. Madrid: , 1569.
Bible. Polyglot. 1569. Antwerp: , 1569.
Bible. Polyglot. 1569. Antwerp: , 1569.
Bible. Polyglot. 1569. Geneva: , 1569.
Bible, Polyglot. 1569. Antwerp: , 1569.
Bible. Spanish. 1569. 1569.
Biblia ad vetustissima exemplaria castigate. Antwerp: , 1569.
R. Grafton, Chronicle at large and meere history of the affayres of Englande and kinges of the same. London: , 1569.
R. Grafton, Chronicle at large and meere history of the affayres of Englande and kinges of the same. London: , 1569.
R. Grafton, Chronicle at large and meere history of the affayres of Englande and kinges of the same. London: , 1569.
R. Grafton, Chronicle at large and meere history of the affayres of Englande and kinges of the same. London: , 1569.
R. Grafton, Chronicle at large and meere history of the affayres of Englande and kinges of the same. London: , 1569.
R. Grafton, Chronicle at large and meere history of the affayres of Englande and kinges of the same. London: , 1569.
R. Grafton, Chronicle at large and meere history of the affayres of Englande and kinges of the same. London: , 1569.
B. of F. Otto, Chronicon, sive Rerum ab orbe condita ad sua usqu; tempora gestarum, libri octo. Basel: , 1569.
S. Serlio, De architectura libri quinque. Venice: , 1569.
H. de Bracton, De legibus & consuetudinibus Angliæ libri quinque. London: , 1569.
H. de Bracton, De legibus & consuetudinibus Angliæ libri quinque. London: , 1569.
H. de Bracton, De legibus & consuetudinibus Angliæ libri quinque. London: , 1569.
M. T. Cicero, De officiis. Basel: , 1569.
R. Pole, De summo pontifice Christi. Louvain: , 1569.
M. Donati, De variolis et morbillis. Mantua: , 1569.
of P. Nonnus, Dionysiaca. Antwerp: , 1569.
H. Junius, Emblemata. Antwerp: , 1569.
H. Junius, Emblemata. Antwerp: , 1569.
J. van der Does, Epigrammatum lib. II. Satyræ II. Elegorum lib. I. Salvarum lib. II. Antwerp: , 1569.
H. Estienne, Epistola, qua ad multas multorum amicorum respondet, de suae typographiae statu, nominatimque de suo Thesauro linguae Graecae. Geneva: , 1569.
Ovid, Heroycall epistles of the learned poet Publius Ouidius Naso, in Englishe verse. London: , 1569.
F. López de Gómara, Histoire generalle des Indes occidentales & terres neuves. Paris: , 1569.
J. López de Hoyas, Historia y relacio[n] de la … funebre de la serenissima reyna de España doña Isabel de Valoy. Madrid: , 1569.
the D. Paul, Historiæ miscellæ a Paulo Aquilegiensi Diacono primum collectæ. Basel: , 1569.
Cheke, John, Sir, Hurt of sedition, how grievous it is to a commonwelth. London: , 1569.
M. sieur de Langey Du Bellay, Memoires. Paris: , 1569.
J. J. Grynæus, Monumenta S. Patrum orthodoxographa. Basel: , 1569.
B. N. T. Polygl 1569, Novum Testamentum [polyglot?]. Geneva: , 1569.
J. Boscán, Obras, y algunas de Garalasso de la Vega. Antwerp: , 1569.
J. Boscán, Obras, y algunas de Garalasso de la Vega. Antwerp: , 1569.
Augustine, Saint, Bishop of Hippo, Opera, 10 in 7 vol. Basel: , 1569.
P. Leo I, Opera omnia. Cologne: , 1569.
A. Jociscus, Oratio de ortu, vita et obitu Ioannis Oporini. Strasbourg: , 1569.
B. von Ursberg, Paraleipomena rerum memorabilium a Frederico II, usque a Carolum V. Basel: , 1569.
A. Piccolomini, Piena, et larga parafrase di Alessandro Piccolomini nel secondo libro della Retorica d’Aristotle. Venice: , 1569.
T. de Bèze, Poematum. Geneva: , 1569.
J. Fernel, Therapeutices universalis, seu Medendi rationis libri septem. Lyon?: , 1569.
T. Norton, Warning against the dangerous practices of papists. London: , 1569.
Xenophon, Works in Greek and Latin. Basel: , 1569.
of P. Nonnus, Νοννου Πανοπολιτου Διωνησιακα = Nonni Panopolitae Dionysiaca. Antwerp: , 1569.
of P. Nonnus, Νοννου Πανοπολιτου Διωνησιακα = Nonni Panopolitae Dionysiaca. Antwerp: , 1569.
P. of Nonnus, Νοννου Πανοπολιτου Διωνησιακα = Nonni Panopolitae Dionysiaca. Antwerp: , 1569.
S. Aratus, Φαινομενα. Paris: , 1569.
H. Estienne, Annotationes in Sophoclem & Euripidem. Geneva: , 1568.
H. Estienne, Annotationes in Sophoclem & Euripidem. Geneva: , 1568.
W. Lambarde, Archaionomia, sive De priscis Anglorum legibus libri. London: , 1568.
B. English. 1568, Bible [ed. William Whittingham]. Edinburgh: , 1568.
B. English. 1568, Bishops’ Bible [ed. Matthew Parker]. London: , 1568.
Dante Alighieri, Dante con l’espositioni di M. Bernardino Daniello da Lucca. Venice: , 1568.
Gildas, De excidio & conquestu Britanniæ. London: , 1568.
A. L. Brandolini, De ratione scribendi libri tres nunc de novo in lucem editi. Frankfurt: , 1568.
T. Smith, De recta & emendata linguæ Græcæ pronuntiatione. Paris: , 1568.
A. Piccolomini, De sphæra libri quatuor. Basel: , 1568.
ho byzantios Stephanos, De urbibus. Basel: , 1568.
L. Alberti, Descrittione di tutta Italia. Venice: , 1568.
L. Alberti, Descrittione di tutta Italia. Venice: , 1568.
A. de Guevara, Dial of princes [tr. T. North]. London: , 1568.
A. de Guevara, Dial of princes [tr. T. North]. London: , 1568.
A. de Guevara, Dial of princes [tr. T. North]. London: , 1568.
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Isocrates, Enseignements d’Isocrates et Xenophon. Paris: , 1568.
Five part set of madrigals [manuscript]. England: , 1568.
of I. Thomas, Flores Bibliæ. Antwerp: , 1568.
F. Guicciardini, Historia d’Italia. . Venice: , 1568.
F. Sansovino, Historia universal dell’origine et imperio de Turchi. Venice: , 1568.
P. M. Vermigli, In Epistolam S. Pauli Apostoli ad Romanos. Basel: , 1568.
J. Calvin, Institutio Christianae religionis. Geneva: , 1568.
J. Calvin, Institutio Christianae religionis. Geneva: , 1568.
J. Calvin, Institutio Christianæ religionis. Geneva: , 1568.
T. de V. Cajetan, Opuscula omnia. Lyon: , 1568.
J. Bernard, Oratorio pia, religiosa, et solatii plena, de vera animi tranquilitate. London: , 1568.
G. Vasari, Pittore et architetto Aretino. Florence: , 1568.
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N. de Nicolay, Quatre premiers livres des navigations et peregrinations orientales de N. de Nicolay Dauphinoys, seigneur d’Arfeuille. Lyon: , 1568.
R. Edwardes, Remembrances of Instrucciones necessarie to be embrasid for the policie of this and the time to comme. 1568.
Livy, Romanæ historiæ principis libri omnes. Frankfurt: , 1568.
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F. Orsini, Virgilius collatione scriptorum Græcorum illustratus. Antwerp: , 1568.
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J. Jewel, Defence of the apologie of the Church of Englande. London: , 1567.
J. Jewel, Defence of the Apologie of the Churche of Englande. London: , 1567.
J. Jewel, Defence of the Apologie of the Churche of Englande. London: , 1567.
J. Jewel, Defence of the Apologie of the Churche of Englande. London: , 1567.
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M. Paris, Elegans, illustris, et facilis rerum, præsertim Britannicarum. London: , 1567.
J. Osório, In Gualterum Haddonum magistrum libellorum supplicum. Lisbon: , 1567.
J. Brentz, In Scriptum Apostoli et Evagelistæ Matthæi. Tübingen: , 1567.
H. Bullinger, Isaias excellentissimus Dei propheta, cuius testimoniis Christus ipse Dominus et eius apostoli creberrimè usi leguntur, expositus homilijs cxc expositus. Zurich: , 1567.
T. Sir Littleton, Les tenures du monsieur Littleton. London: , 1567.
J. Sturm, Liber unus de periodis. Strasbourg: , 1567.
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W. Haddon, Lucubrationes passim collectae & editae. London: , 1567.
W. Haddon, Lucubrationes passim collectae & editae. London: , 1567.
W. Haddon, Lucubrationes passim collectae & editae. London: , 1567.
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M. G. Vida, Opera. Antwerp: , 1567.
M. T. Cicero, Orationum. Lyon: , 1567.
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Homer, Ὁμηρου Ὀδυσσεια = Homeri Odyssea, id est, de rebus ab Vlysse gestis; eiusdem Batrachomyomachia & Hymni. Geneva: , 1567.
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S., The actis and constitutiounis of the realme of Scotland. Edinburgh: , 1566.
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Briefe examination for the tyme, of a certaine declaration. London: , 1566.
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G. C. Scaligero, Commentarii et animadversiones, in sex libros de causis plantarum Theophrasti. Geneva: , 1566.
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S. Schardius, Germanicarum rerum quatuor celebriores vetustioresque chronographi. Frankfurt: , 1566.
S. Schardius, Germanicarum rerum quatuor celebriores vetustioresque chronographi. Frankfurt: , 1566.
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G. C. Scaligero, In libros de plantis Aristotelis inscriptos commentarii. Geneva: , 1566.
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B. N. T. Engli 1566, New Testament. London: , 1566.
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P. M. Vermigli, Most fruitfull & learned com[m]entaries. London: , 1564.
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