Bibliographic Sources of British Armorial Bindings

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Antoninus, Saint, Archbishop of Florence, Tractatus notabilis exco[mmun]icationibus suspe[n]sionibus interdictis irregularitatib[us] & penis. Venice: , 1474.
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R. Ascham, Toxophilus, the schole, or Partitions, of shooting. Wrexham: , 1788.
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J. Sir Carr, Tour through Holland along the right and left banks of the Rhine, to the south of Germany, in the summer and autumn of 1806. London: , 1807.
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N. W. Sir Wraxall, Tour round the Baltic. London: , 1807.
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T. Pennant, Tour from Downing to Alston-Moor. London: , 1801.
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W. Lithgow, Totall discourse, of the rare adventures and painefull peregrinations of long nineteene yeares travayles, from Scotland, to the most famous kingdomes in Europe, Asia and Affrica. London: , 1632.
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J. Carter, Tomb stone, and a rare sight. London: , 1653.
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To ton biblion meros, ho hebraisti eurein ouk esti. Antwerp: , 1566.
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W. Ellis, Timber tree improved. London: , 1738.
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Three odes. To which is added, the Miss and the butterfly, a fable, in the manner of the late Mr Gay. Edinburgh: , 1739.
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This is the table of the historye of Reynart the Foxe. Westminster: , 1481.
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