Bibliographic Sources of British Armorial Bindings

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A. Sir Halliday, Annals of the House of Hanover, 2 vol. London: , 1826.
B. Polyglot. 1826, Bible. . London: , 1826.
Bible. N.T. English. 1826. London: , 1826.
Church of England, Book of Common Prayer. 1826. London: , 1826.
H. Smith, Gaieties and gravities., 2ndnd ed., 3 vol. London: , 1826.
J. A. (J. A. ) Cramer, Geographical and historical description of ancient Italy. Oxford: , 1826.
T. H. Lister, Granby. London: , 1826.
T. H. Lister, Granby. London: , 1826.
T. H. Lister, Granby, 2ndnd ed., 3 vol. London: , 1826.
T. Sopwith, Historical and descriptive account of All Saints’ Church in Newcastle upon Tyne. Newcastle: , 1826.
R. Warner, History of the Abbey of Glaston, and of the town of Glastonbury. Bath: , 1826.
Clarendon, Edward Hyde, Earl of, History of the rebellion and civil wars in England. Oxford: , 1826.
Clarendon, Edward Hyde, Earl of, History of the rebellion and civil wars in England. Oxford: , 1826.
E. H. Earl of Clarendon, History of the rebellion and civil wars in England, New., 8 vol. Oxford: , 1826.
J. F. Cooper, Last of the Mohicans. London: , 1826.
Lives of the Right Hon. Francis North, Baron Guilford, New ed., 3 vol. London: , 1826.
R. North, Lives of the Right Hon. Francis North, Baron Guilford, Lord keeper of the great seal under King Charles II and King James II, the Hon. Sir Dudley North, commissioner of the customs and afterwards of the treasury, to King Charles II, and the Hon. and Rev. London: , 1826.
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L. P. J. A. comte de Noé, Mémoires relatifs à l'expédition anglaise partie du Bengale en 1800 pour aller combattre en Egypte l'Armée d'Orient. Paris: , 1826.
L. P. J. A. comte de Noé, Mémoires relatifs à l'expédition anglaise partie du Bengale en 1800 pour aller combattre en Egypte l'Armée d'Orient. Paris: , 1826.
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E. Blore, Monumental remains of noble and eminent persons, comprising the sepulchral antiquities of Great Britain. London: , 1826.
E. Blore, Monumental remains of noble and eminent persons, comprising the sepulchral antiquities of Great Britain. London: , 1826.
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New Description of Holkham, the Magnificent Seat of T. W. Coke. Wells: , 1826.
New description of Holkham, the magnificent seat of T. W. Coke . Wells: , 1826.
J. Cook, Observations on fox-hunting. London: , 1826.
J. Cook, Observations on fox-hunting. London: , 1826.
J. Cook, Observations on fox-hunting. London: , 1826.
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J. Mallord Wi Turner, Picturesque views on the southern coast of England. London: , 1826.
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E. Reynolds, Whole works. London: , 1826.
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J. Douglas, Advancement of society in knowledge and religion. Edinburgh: , 1825.
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Bible. 1825. 1825.
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J. M‘Intyre, Description of a splint. Newcastle: , 1825.
V. Llanos Gutiérrez, Don Esteban, or, Memoirs of a Spaniard. London: , 1825.
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M. Edgeworth, Harry and Lucy concluded, 4 vol. London: , 1825.
P. - P. comte de Ségur, Histoire de Napoléon de la grand armée. Paris: , 1825.
P. - P. comte de Ségur, Histoire de Napoléon de la grand armée. Paris: , 1825.
C. Anderson, Historical account of the family of Frisel or Fraser, particularly Fraser of Lovat. Edinburgh: , 1825.
J. Cole, History and antiquities of Ecton in the county of Northampton. Scarborough: , 1825.
H. Owen, History of Shrewsbury. London: , 1825.
G. Sinclair, Hortus gramineus Woburnensis. London: , 1825.
S. F. comtesse de Genlis, Memoires. Paris: , 1825.
S. Félicité Genlis, Mémoires inédits, 8 vols in 4 vol. Paris: , 1825.
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S. Pepys, Memoirs of Samuel Pepys. London: , 1825.
S. Pepys, Memoirs of Samuel Pepys. London: , 1825.
S. Pepys, Memoirs of Samuel Pepys. London: , 1825.
S. Pepys, Memoirs of Samuel Pepys. London: , 1825.
S. Pepys, Memoirs of Samuel Pepys. London: , 1825.
W. Cowper, Minor poems. London: , 1825.
, Moor. London: , 1825.
, Moor. London: , 1825.
J. B. Fraser, Narrative of a journey into Khorasa in the years 1821 and 1822. London: , 1825.
No Title. London: , 1825.
Molière, Oeuvres. Paris: , 1825.
J. Nicholson, Operative mechanic, and British machinist. London: , 1825.
J. Nicholson, Operative mechanic, and British machinist. London: , 1825.
L. de’ Medici, Opere. Florence: , 1825.
J. Milton, Paradise lost. London: , 1825.
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B. Latin. 1825., Scientia Biblia. . London: , 1825.
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Sydney papers. London: , 1825.
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Three brothers. London: , 1825.
Today in Ireland. London: , 1825.
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J. Milton, Treatise on Christian doctrine. Cambridge: , 1825.
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R. P. Ward, Tremaine, or, The man of refinement. London: , 1825.
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H. Roscoe, Westminster Hall, or, Professional relics and anecdotes of the bar, bench and woolsack. London: , 1825.
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C. T. Damm, Novum lexicon Græcum. Glasgow: , 1824.
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J. P. Neale, Views of the seats of noblemen and gentlemen in England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland. London: , 1824.
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