Bibliographic Sources of British Armorial Bindings
Quaestiones in libros Physicorum Aristotelis. Venice: , 1484.
, Bible. Nuremberg: , 1483.
, Constitutiones provinciales Ecclesiæ Anglicanæ. Oxford: , 1483.
Game and play of chess. Westminster: , 1483.
, Here begynneth the prologue or prohemye of the book callid Caton. Westminster: , 1483.
, Iter ad Terram Sanctam. Gouda: , 1483.
, Meditationes. Paris: , 1483.
, Nova statute 1. Edw. III - 22 Edw IV [manuscript]. . London: , 1483.
, Novocomensis oratoris facundissima epistolæ. . Treviso: , 1483.
, Pylgremage of the sowle. Westminster: , 1483.
, Chronicles of England. Westminster: , 1482.
Cosmographia, 2 vol. Ulm: , 1482.
, Cosmographia. Ulm: , 1482.
, Cosmographia. Ulm: , 1482.
, Cronycles of England. Westminster: , 1482.
, Elementa. Venice: , 1482.
, Geographia. Florence: , 1482.
, Kalendarium. Venice: , 1482.
, Libellus ysagogic[us] Abdilazi. Venice: , 1482.
, Opera. Vicenza: , 1482.
, Opera. Vicenza: , 1482.
, Opera [ed. Cristoforo Landino]. Florence: , 1482.
, Poeticon astronomicon. Venice: , 1482.
, Poeticon astronomicon. Venice: , 1482.
, Polychronicon. Westminster: , 1482.
, Polychronicon. Westminster: , 1482.
, Polychronicon. Westminster: , 1482.
, Postilla super Epistolas et Evangelia. Cologne: , 1482.
, Satyræ. Venice: , 1482.
, Satyræ. Venice: , 1482.
, Sermones. Venice: , 1482.
, Sphera. Venice: , 1482.
, Catullus, Propertius, Statius. Vicenza: , 1481.
De rebus gestis Alexandri Magni regis Macedonum. Milan: , 1481.
, Hier begynneth the book callid the myrrour of the worlde. Westminster: , 1481.
, Historye of Reynart the foxe [tr. W Caxton]. Westminster: , 1481.
, Liber Policraticus. Brussels: , 1481.
, Liber Policraticus. Brussels: , 1481.
, Myrrour of the worlde. Westminster: , 1481.
, , Psalms with the Canticles and the Athanasian Creed. Magdeburg: , 1481.
, This is the table of the historye of Reynart the Foxe. Westminster: , 1481.
Bible. Latin. 1480. Ulm: , 1480.
Booke of the chronicles of englond. Westminster: , 1480.
Chronicles of England. Westminster: , 1480.
, Discripcion of Britayne. Westminster: , 1480.
, Dyalogus creaturaru[m] optime moralizatus. Gouda: , 1480.
, Libro de la vita de philosophi et delle loro elegantissime sententie extracto da D. Lahertio et da altri antiquissimi auctori. Venice: , 1480.
, Opera. Venice: , 1480.
, Opera. Venice: , 1480.
, Praeparatio evangelica. Treviso: , 1480.
, Sententiae, sive, Flores poetarum de virtutibus et vitiis. Cologne: , 1480.
Sphaera mundi. Bologna: , 1480.
, Bible. Latin. 1479. Nuremberg: , 1479.
Biblia Latina, 2 vol. Nuremberg: , 1479.
, Historia ecclesiastica. Mantua: , 1479.
, In Trogi Pompeii historias exordium. Venice: , 1479.
, Justini historia. Venice: , 1479.
, Orthographia. Vicenza: , 1479.
, Postille super epistolas et evangelia. Paris: , 1479.
, Bible. Latin, 1478. Venice: , 1478.
Biblia sacra. Nuremberg: , 1478.
, Catilinarii ac Iugurthini belli opere. Venice: , 1478.
, Cosmographia. Rome: , 1478.
, Spera mundi. Venice: , 1478.
, Vitæ. Venice: , 1478.
, Bible. Latin. 1477. Nuremberg: , 1477.
Biblia Latina. Nuremberg: , 1477.
, Boke of histories of Jason. Westminster: , 1477.
, Breviloquium. Venice: , 1477.
, Cosmographia .. in Asiæ et Europæ .. descriptione. Venice: , 1477.
, Cosmographia .. in Asiæ et Europæ .. descriptione. Venice: , 1477.
, De officiis. Venice: , 1477.
, De studiis et litteris. Rome: , 1477.
, Gesta Petri Mocenici. Venice: , 1477.
, In primum Decretalium. Venice: , 1477.
, Liber physiognomiæ. Venice: , 1477.
, M. Annei Lucani Cordubensis Pharsaliae liber primus[-decimus. Venice: , 1477.
, Pharsalia . Venice: , 1477.
, Radicalis attestatio fidei orthodoxae. Nuremberg: , 1477.
Vocabuli ex iure civili. Vicenza: , 1477.
, De ecclesiarum visitatione. Ferrara: , 1476.
, Epistolæ familiares. Venice: , 1476.
, Erotemata. Milan: , 1476.
, Fiore novelo. Venice: , 1476.
Grammatices Græcæ epitome [in Greek]. Milan: , 1476.
, Grammatices Græcæ epitome [in Greek]. Milan: , 1476.
, Legenda aurea. Cologne: , 1476.
, Naturalis historiæ libri XXXVII. Parma: , 1476.
, Naturalis historiæ libri XXXVII. Parma: , 1476.
, Quinti Horatii Flacci Venusini Opera. . Milan: , 1476.
, Bible. Latin. 1475. Basel: , 1475.
De civitate Dei. Venice: , 1475.
De civitate Dei. Venice: , 1475.
, De partitione oratoria. Naples: , 1475.
, Elegantiolae. Rome: , 1475.
, Epigrammata. Venice: , 1475.
, Epistolæ familiares. Louvain: , 1475.
, Epistulae morales ad Lucilium. Rome: , 1475.
, Historia ecclesiastica. Strasbourg: , 1475.
, Historiæ augustæ lib. XI. usque ad XXI. actionum diurnalium . Milan: , 1475.
, Iohannina. Bologna: , 1475.
, Iunii Iuuenalis Aquinatis Satyra prima. Venice: , 1475.
, Letters. Paris: , 1475.
, , Moralia in Job. Rome: , 1475.
, Opera. Venice: , 1475.
, Opera omnia. Naples: , 1475.
, Sermones de tempore et sanctis. Mainz: , 1475.
, Speculum vitæ humanæ. Strasbourg: , 1475.
, Carminum liber primus[-quartus]. Milan: , 1474.
, Commentarii in M. Valerium Martialem. Venice: , 1474.
, De imperatore militum eligendo. Rome: , 1474.
, De successionibus ab intestato. Rome: , 1474.
, Deuotissime et sanctissime laude. Venice: , 1474.
, Liber ruralium comodorum. Louvain: , 1474.
, Metamorphoses. Venice: , 1474.
Opera. Venice: , 1474.
, Satirarum liber. Basel: , 1474.
, , De consideratione ad Eugenium Papæ. Utrecht: , 1473.
, De regimine principum. Augsburg: , 1473.
, Epistolae. Venice: , 1473.
, Etymologiæ. Strasbourg: , 1473.
, , Germania: De situ, moribus et populis Germaniae. Rome: , 1473.
, Historia scholastica. Utrecht: , 1473.
, Historia scholastica. Augsburg: , 1473.
, Homiliæ super Evangeliis. Augsburg: , 1473.
, Canzoniere. Padua: , 1472.
, De bello gallico. Rome: , 1472.
, De divines institutionibus adversus gentes. Venice: , 1472.
, De epistolari dicendi genere. Naples: , 1472.
, De infantium aegritudinibus ac remediis. Padua: , 1472.
, De legibus dialogus libri primi. Venice: , 1472.
, De officiis. Paris: , 1472.
, De responsione mundi et de astrorum ordinatione. Augsburg: , 1472.
, De responsione mundi et de astrorum ordinatione. Augsburg: , 1472.
, Etymologiæ. Augsburg: , 1472.
, Facta et dicta memorabilia. Mainz: , 1472.
, Historia naturalis. Venice: , 1472.
, Historia Troiana. Cologne: , 1472.
, In Somnium Scipionis expositio. Venice: , 1472.
, Naturalis historiæ liber I. Venice: , 1472.
, Rhetoricum liber primus. Venice: , 1472.
, Sermones quadragesimales de poenitentia. Venice: , 1472.
, Speculum humanæ salvationis. Augsburg: , 1472.
Vitae parallelae. Strasbourg: , 1472.
, Bible. O.T. Psalms. Latin. 1471. Augsburg: , 1471.
Constitutiones. Mainz: , 1471.
, Constitutiones. Strasbourg: , 1471.
, Decamerone. Venice: , 1471.
, Decamerone. Venice: , 1471.
, Decamerone. Venice: , 1471.
, Decretum Gratiani. Strasbourg: , 1471.
, Epistolarum familiarum liber primus. Venice: , 1471.
, Epistolæ. Treviso: , 1471.
, Epistolæ, liber primus. Venice: , 1471.
, Facta et dicta memorabilia. Mainz: , 1471.
, Facta et dicta memorabilia. Mainz: , 1471.
, Facta et dicta memorabilia. Mainz: , 1471.
, In tria Virgilii opera expositio. Rome: , 1471.
, Opus in amoris remedio. Florence: , 1471.
, [Two leaves from The recuyell of the histories of Troy]. Westminster: , 1471.
, Works. Venice: , 1471.
, Book of hours. 1470.
, De bello Italico adversus Gothos gesto. Foligno: , 1470.
, Epitoma in Trogi Pōpei historias. Rome: , 1470.
, Epitoma in Trogi Pōpei historias. Rome: , 1470.
, Epitome historiarum Trogi Pompeii. Venice: , 1470.
, , Mammotrectus super Bibliam. Mainz: , 1470.
, Opera. Venice: , 1470.
, Sermones duo de resurrectione mortuorum. Cologne: , 1470.
, Sophologium. Strasbourg: , 1470.
, Cato maior De senectute. Rome: , 1469.
, De oratore. Rome: , 1469.
, De oratore. Rome: , 1469.
, Liber Tusculanarum questionum. Rome: , 1469.
, Prosodia queda pars gramatice nūcupatur. Augsburg: , 1469.
, Constitutiones [cum apparatu Joannis Andreae]. Mainz: , 1467.
, De civitate dei. Subiaco: , 1467.
, , Secunda secundæ. Mainz: , 1467.
, Bible. German. 1466. Strasbourg: , 1466.
De officiis . Mainz: , 1466.
, De oratore liber. Subiaco: , 1465.
, Genealogical chronicle roll of the kings of England to Edward IV]. [manuscript]. England: 1465, 1465.
Opera. Strasbourg: , 1465.
, Summa theologiae. Strasbourg: , 1463.
, Summa theologiae. Strasbourg: , 1463.
Constitutiones [cum apparatu Joannis Andreæ]. Mainz: , 1460.
, Biblia [Gutenberg Bible], vol. 2 vols. Mainz: , 1455.
, , ,
Stourton Psalter. 1440.
Missal [manuscript]. 1430.
, Piers Plowman [manuscript]. 1427.
, , ,
Bible in Latin [manuscript]. 1400.
Bible. Middle English. 1400.
Book of Hours. 1400.
Book of Hours. 1400.
Cato cum commentario. [S.l.]: , 1400.
, , De proprietatibus rerum. Middle English & Latin [manuscript]. England: , 1400.
, De regimine principum. 1400.
, Horæ B. V. M. cum Calendro. 1400.
Hours of the Virgin. 1400.
Libro della medicina. Italy: , 1400.
, Mirror of life [manuscript]. 1400.
, , Quadrilogue [manuscript]. 1400.
, Siege and destruction of Troy [manuscript on vellum]. England: , 1400.
, Siege and destruction of Troy [manuscript on vellum]. England: , 1400.
, Stylus Curiæ Parliamenti. 1400.
, Works [manuscript]. 1400.
, Wycliffite Gospel book. 1400.
“Psalter”, Beauvais, 1250.
, Bible. 1200.
Bible. Latin. 13th cent. 1200.
Biblia Latina. 1200.
Biblia [manuscript]. S.l.: , 1200.
, English legal collections [manuscript]. England: , 1200.
, Flores Bernardi. 1200.
Renaut de Montauban. 1200.
Romance of Renaut de Montauban in French verse. [manuscript]. Paris: , 1200.
Ysagogicum [manuscript]. 1200.
, Breviarium historiæ Romanæ. 1100.
, , , ,
Gospels of Matilda, Countess of Tuscany. San Benedetto, Italy: , 1000.
, Index to ceremonials [manuscript] . London: , 1000.
Index to ceremonials [manuscript] . London: , 1000.
Pair of empty folio boards. 1000.
Pair of empty folio boards. 1000.
, , , , , ,
Adagialia sacra Veteris et Novi Testamenti, 2 vol. Lyon: .
, , , , Anecdotes ou Memoires secrets sur la Constitution Unigenitus, 3 vol. Utrecht: .
, Annales ecclesiastici , vol. 2-12. Rome: .
, , Archaeologia, or, Miscellaneous tracts relating to antiquity, vol. XI-XXXV. London: .
, , , Athenian oracle, 4 vol. London: .
, , Bible. English. 1519, 3 vol. London: .
, Bible. English. 1519, 3 vol. London: .
, Bible. English. 168- . London: .
, Bible. English. 168- . London: .
, Biblia, 5 vol. Antwerp: .
, Bibliotheca Heberiana, 10 vol. London: .
, , Book of Common Prayer. s.n.: .
, Book of Common Prayer. Oxford: .
, , , Book of Common Prayer. [s.d.]. London: .
, Book of Hours . France: .
, Cabinet gallery of pictures, 2 vol. London: .
, , Catalogue [manuscript]. S.l.: .
, , , , , , , Chronicle. .
, Chronicles [S.l., s.d.]. S.l.: .
, Chronicles [S.l., s.d.]. S.l.: .
, Cobbett’s political register, vol. 13-23. London: .
, Collection complete, 24 vol. Geneva: .
, Collection of bound plays, 292 vol. .
Collection of bound plays, 335 vol. .
Collection of old ballads. Corrected from the best and most ancient copies extant, 2ndnd ed., 3 vol. .
, , Collection of pieces by and about him, 18 vol. .
, , , Collection of voyages and travels [ed. A. Churchill], 8 vol. London: .
, Commentar über den Pentateuch, 2 vol. Halle: .
, , Commentariorum ac disputationum in primam partem et in primam secundæ summæ theologiæ Sancti Thomæ Aquinatis, 4 vol. Venice: .
, Compendious Olde Treatyse, shewynge, howe that we ought to haue ye scripture in Englysshe. London: .
Compendious system of natural philosophy, 2 vol. London: .
, Conquest of Syria, Persia, and AEgypt, by the Saracens, 2 vol. London: .
, Constante Amarilis. Lyon: .
, , , , Dialogi . .
, Dialogi. .
, Discourses on several important subjects, 4thth ed., 4 vol. London: .
, Dizionario della storia dell’arte in Italia. Piacenza: .
, , , , , , , , , , , , Five 17th and 18th-century French plays. London?: .
Foreign heads [album], 2 vol. S.l.: .
, Fugitive stories . .
, Gemmarum antiquarum delectus, 2 vol. London: .
, General history of England, both ecclesiastical and civil, 3 vols in 5 vol. London: .
, , Gospels of Matilda, countess of Tuscany [manuscript]. San Benedetto, Italy: .
, , , , Herrick family papers [manuscripts], 11 vol. .
Hispaniae illustratae , 4 vol. Frankfurt: .
, Histoire de France, 17 vol. .
, , Histoire naturelle des poisons, 5 vol. Paris: .
, Historiarum adversus paganos libri VII. Augsberg: .
, History of British birds, indigenous and migratory, vol. 1-3. London: .
, History of engraving in England, 3 vol. London: .
, History of Greece. London: .
, History of the decline and fall of the Roman Empire, 6 vol. London: .
, History of the public revenue of the British Empire, 3rd ed.rd ed., 3 vol. London: .
, Holy Bible. .
, Holy Bible [with Apocrypha], 7 vol. London: .
, “Hungerford Collections”, vol. 36 vols., ????
Icones principum virorum doctorum. Antwerp: .
, Illustrations of the spires and towers of the mediaeval churches of England, 2 vols. in 1 vol. London: .
, In Ezechielem explanationes et Apparatus urbis ac Templi Hierosolymitani commentarijs et imaginibus illustratus, 3 vol. Rome: .
, , , , , , Juris canonici . .
King Charles the Ist’s defence of the Church of England. The Hague: .
Koran. .
, , Law Reports. .
Learned dialogue of Bernard Palessy concerning waters and fountains both naturall and artificiall. .
, , Legal matters . .
, , Letters [manuscript 1717-1720] , 2 vol. .
, , , , , Liste générale et tres exacte. Paris: .
Liste générale et tres exacte. Paris: .
Literary anecdotes of the eighteenth century, 9 vol. London: .
, Manuel d’un cours de chimie, 2 vol. Paris: .
, , , , Maps of estates in the county of Radnor the property of Sir John Walsh, Bart. 1843 [manuscript]. S.l.: .
, Markhams maister-peece, 6thth ed. London: .
, Markhams maister-peece, 6thth ed. London: .
, Markhams maister-peece, 6thth ed. London: .
, , , , , , , Missal (MS. Tiptoft) [manuscript] . Cambridge: .
, , , No Title. .
No Title. .
No Title. .
No Title. .
No Title. .
, No Title. .
No Title. .
No Title. .
No Title. .
No Title. .
No Title. .
No Title. .
No Title. .
No Title. .
No Title. .
No Title. .
No Title. .
No Title. .