Bibliographic Sources of British Armorial Bindings
Church in danger. London: , 1815.
, Imago mundi et regnum Christi : the foure monarchies, and Christs twofold kingdome: the gentiles converted. London: , 1640.
, Later poems. London: , 1926.
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, Musica transalpina: tenor. London: , 1588.
, Union of honour. London: , 1640.
, Union of honour. London: , 1641.
, Union of honour. London: , 1641.
, Union of honour . London: , 1640.
, Union of honour. London: , 1641.
, Union of honour. London: , 1641.
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, Correlation and conservation of forces. New York: , 1865.
, , Complaint, or, Night thoughts on life, death and immortality. Edinburgh: , 1773.
, Hieroglyphics, collected by the Egyptian Society. London: , 1823.
, Complaint, or, Night thoughts on life, death and immortality. London: , 1751.
, Tour in Ireland. London: , 1780.
, Example of France: a warning to Britain. Bury St Edmund’s: , 1793.
, Account of some recent discoveries in hieroglyphical literature and Egyptian antiquities. London: , 1823.
, Clementis ad Corinthios epistola prior. Oxford: , 1633.
, Catalogue of the pictures of John Julius Angerstein. London: , 1823.
, Ocean: an ode. London: , 1728.
, State of the case, respecting the right of the Provost of Trinity College, Dublin, to exercise a controlling negative at the College Board. Dublin: , 1792.
, Love of fame the universal passion in seven satires. London: , 1728.
, Complaint, or, Night thoughts on life, death and immortality. London: , 1751.
, Travels during the years 1787, 1788, and 1789. Bury St Edmund’s: , 1792.
, Ius naturale rebus creatis à Deo constitutum. Paris: , 1658.
, ,
Opera logica. Cologne: , 1597.
, Quæstiones medico-legales. Amsterdam: , 1651.
, Comedie. Strasbourg: , 1511.
, Speculum vitae humanae. Cologne: .
, Commentaria in primam partem, Summæ, Sancti, et Angelici Doctoris, F. Thomæ Aquinatis. Venice: , 1620.
, De tribus Elohim, Aeterno Patre, Filio et Spiritu Sancto, uno eodumque Iehova libri XIII. Frankfurt: , 1572.
, De religione Christiana fides. Neustadt an der Haardt: , 1585.
, Tractatus aureus de sacramentis. Brescia: , 1595.
, Scholion in omnes Novi Testamenti libros. Cologne: , 1553.
, Adagia sacra, sive Proverbia Scripturæ. Leipzig: , 1601.
, Adagia sacra, sive Proverbia Scripturæ. Leipzig: , 1601.
, Topographia Galliæ. Frankfurt: , 1655.
, Collection choisie de paysages. London: , 1791.
, Leo Belgicus. Amsterdam: , 1660.
, Leo Belgicus. Amsterdam: , 1660.
, Theatrum chemicum, vol. 1, 3, 4. Strasbourg: , 1613.
, Theatrum chemicum, vol. 1, 3, 4. Strasbourg: .
, Conceptione in Genesim mundi, & Exodum, commentarij. Basel: , 1561.
, Circa regicidium Anglorum exercitationes. Leiden: , 1653.
, Tabula dilucidaticum in dictis Aristotelis et Averrois. Venice: , 1558.
, On solitude. London: , 1797.
, Catalogus plantarum Horti Academici et Agri Gottingensis. Göttingen: , 1757.
, Historia rerum in oriente gestarum ab exordio mundi et orbe condito ad nostra hæc vsque tempora. Frankfurt: , 1587.
, Historia rerum in oriente gestarum ab exordio mundi et orbe condito ad nostra hæc vsque tempora. Frankfurt: , 1587.
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, Zosimi comitis ex advocato fisci historia nova. Zeitz: , 1679.
, Memoirs of the life and writings of Sir Philip Sidney. York: , 1808.
, In primam D. Thomae partem commentaria, 2 vols. vol. Venice: , 1597.
, Theatrum vitæ humanæ. Basel: , 1571.
, Opera. Zurich: , 1545.
, Annotationes in Genesim, Exodum, Esaiam, & Ieremiam prophetas. Zurich: , 1581.
, Opera. Zurich: , 1581.
, Annotationes in Genesim, Exedum, Esaiam, & Ieremiam prophetas. Zurich: , 1581.
, Complanationis Jeremiæ prophetæ. Zurich: , 1531.
, Liber theoricæ necnon practicæ. Augsburg: , 1519.
, Methodus medendi certa. Basel: , 1541.
, Alchabitius cum comento. Venice: , 1512.
, Libellus isagogicus Abdilazi. Venice: , 1512.
, Libellus ysagogicus Abdilazi. Venice: , 1485.
, Libellus ysagogic[us] Abdilazi. Venice: , 1482.