Bibliographic Sources of British Armorial Bindings
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, Collectaneorum Latinæ locutionis. Paris: , 1533.
, Collectio constitutionum imperialium. Frankfurt: , 1615.
, Collectio Pisaurensis omnium poematum, carminum, fragmentorum Latinorum, 5 vol. Pesaro: , 1766.
, Collection and abridgement of celebrated criminal trials in Scotland, from A.D. 1536, to 1704. Edinburgh: , 1785.
, Collection choisie de paysages. London: , 1791.
, Collection complete, 24 vol. Geneva: .
, Collection complete, 24 vol. Geneva: , 1768.
, Collection des meilleurs dissertations, notices et traits particuliers relatives a l’histoire de France. Paris: , 1838.
, Collection des meilleurs dissertations, notices et traits particuliers relatives a l’histoire de France. Paris: , 1838.
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Collection of 12 English almanacs for 1691. London: , 1691.
Collection of 14 English almanacs. London: , 1696.
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Collection of 27 English almanacs. London: , 1701.
Collection of airs by W.J. Lawes, J. Coperario, J. Lupo, J. Ward, S. Ire and others [manuscript], 5 vol. 1600.
Collection of all the proclamations, declarations, articles, and ordnances passed by his Highness the Lord Protector. London: , 1654.
Collection of all the Statutes now in use. Dublin: , 1678.
Collection of all the wills now known to be extant, of the kings and queens of England. London: , 1780.
, A collection of almanacs. London: , 1623.
Collection of anthems. London: , 1769.
Collection of anthems. London: , 1724.
Collection of anthems. London: , 1724.
Collection of anthems. London: , 1769.
Collection of anthems. London: , 1736.
Collection of anthems. London: , 1749.
Collection of anthems. London: , 1749.
Collection of anthems. London: , 1769.
Collection of anthems. London: , 1769.
Collection of anthems. London: , 1749.
Collection of anthems. London: , 1769.
Collection of anthems. London: , 1769.
Collection of anthems. London: , 1769.
Collection of anthems. London: , 1769.
Collection of anthems. London: , 1769.
Collection of anthems. London: , 1736.
Collection of anthems. London: , 1736.
Collection of anthems. London: , 1736.
Collection of articles injunctions, canons, orders, ordinances, and constitutions ecclesiastical, with other publick records of the Church of England. London: , 1661.
, Collection of bound plays, 292 vol. .
Collection of bound plays, 335 vol. .
Collection of curious discourses written by eminent antiquaries. London: , 1775.
Collection of curious discourses, written by eminent antiquaries upon several heads in our English antiquities. Oxford: , 1720.
Collection of curious travels and voyages. London: , 1693.
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, Collection of English almanacs. London: , 1702.
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Collection of English almanacs. London: , 1701.
Collection of English almanacs. London: , 1702.
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Collection of English songs. London: , 1796.
Collection of epitaphs and monumental inscriptions, chiefly in Scotland. Glasgow: , 1834.
, Collection of etchings after classical statues. Rome: , 1638.
, A collection of His Majestie's gracious letters, speeches, messages, and declarations since April 4/14 1660. London: , 1660.
, Collection of hymns for social worship. London: , 1758.
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, Collection of landscapes. London: , 1777.
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, , Collection of miscellany poems. London: , 1737.
Collection of old ballads. Corrected from the best and most ancient copies extant, 2ndnd ed., 3 vol. London: , 1723.
, Collection of old ballads. Corrected from the best and most ancient copies extant, 2ndnd ed., 3 vol. .
, , Collection of ordinances and regulations for the government of the Royal household, made in divers reigns. London: , 1790.
Collection of original letters and papers, concerning the affairs of England, from the year 1641 to 1660. London: , 1739.
, Collection of original letters and papers, concerning the affairs of England, from the year 1641 to 1660, 2 vol. London: , 1739.
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, , Collection of portraits sketched from the life since the year 1793. London: , 1809.
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, , ,