Bibliographic Sources of British Armorial Bindings

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J. White, Adventures of John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster. London: , 1790.
A. Louis Millin, Antiquités nationales, 5 vol. Paris: , 1790.
A. Louis Millin, Antiquités nationales, 5 vol. London: , 1790.
A. Louis Millin, Antiquités nationales, 5 vol. London: , 1790.
E. Ledwich, Antiquities of Ireland. Dublin: , 1790.
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Collection of ordinances and regulations for the government of the Royal household, made in divers reigns. London: , 1790.
Collection of ordinances and regulations for the government of the royal household. London: , 1790.
R. Troward, Collection of the statutes now in force relative to elections. London : , 1790.
R. Troward, Collection of the statutes now in force relative to elections. London : , 1790.
R. Troward, Collection of the statutes now in force relative to elections. London : , 1790.
J. L. de Lolme, Constitution of England, or, An account of the English government. London: , 1790.
F. M. P. Kerverseau, Histoire de la revolution de 1789, et de l'etablissement d'une constitution en France par deux amis de la liberte. Paris: , 1790.
Q. Craufurd, History of the Bastile. London: , 1790.
E. Gibbon, History of the decline and fall of the Roman Empire. Dublin: , 1790.
T. Pennant, Indian zoology. London: , 1790.
D. Defoe, Life and surprizing adventures of Robinson Crus, 2 vol. London: , 1790.
D. Defoe, Life and surprizing adventures of Robinson Crusoe, 2 vol. London: , 1790.
J. Pinkerton, Medallic history of England to the Revolution. London: , 1790.
Memoirs of Maria, a Persian slave. London: , 1790.
H. Clavering, New complete parish officer. London: , 1790.
T. Pennant, Of London. London: , 1790.
T. Pennant, Of London. London: , 1790.
C. Tacitus, Opera omnia. London: , 1790.
S. Shepherd, Part of the poetical works. Dublin: , 1790.
W. Smellie, Philosophy of natural history. Edinburgh: , 1790.
S. Ireland, Picturesque tour through Holland, Brabant, and part of France, 2 vol. London: , 1790.
J. Ritson, Pieces of ancient popular poetry, vol. London: , 1790.
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Reflections on the revolution in France, 3rdrd ed. London: , 1790.
E. Burke, Reflections on the revolution in France, 3rdrd ed. 1790.
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W. Speechly, Treatise on the culture of the vine. York: , 1790.
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F. Le Vaillant, Voyage de M. Le Vaillant dans l'intérieur de l'Afrique, 4 vol. Paris: , 1790.
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J. Howard, Account of the principal lazarettos in Europe. Warrington: , 1789.
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T. Tasso, Aminta, favola boschereccia. Crisapoli [Parma]: , 1789.
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Church of England, The Book of Common Prayer. Cambridge: , 1789.
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H. Aldrich, Elementa architecturæ civilis ad Vitruvii veterumque disciplinam. Oxford: , 1789.
H. Aldrich, Elementa architecturæ civilis ad Vitruvii veterumque disciplinam. Oxford: , 1789.
H. Aldrich, Elementa architecturæ civilis ad Vitruvii veterumque disciplinam. Oxford: , 1789.
G. Colman, Family party. London: , 1789.
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C. Burney, General history of music. London: , 1789.
J. C. Wiegleb, General system of chemistry, theoretical and practical. London: , 1789.
Ovid, Heroides. London: , 1789.
Polybius, Historiarum quidquid superest. Leipzig: , 1789.
J. Cooke, Historical account of the Royal Hospital for Seamen at Greenwich. London: , 1789.
J. Cooke, Historical account of the Royal Hospital for Seamen at Greenwich. London: , 1789.
W. Barrett, History and antiquities of the city of Bristol. Bristol: , 1789.
W. Barrett, History and antiquities of the city of Bristol. Bristol: , 1789.
W. Barrett, History and antiquities of the city of Bristol. Bristol: , 1789.
J. Brand, History and antiquities of the town and county of the town of Newcastle upon Tyne, 2 vol. London: , 1789.
J. Brand, History and antiquities of the town and county of the town of Newcastle upon Tyne. London: , 1789.
J. Brand, History and antiquities of the town and county of the town of Newcastle upon Tyne. London: , 1789.
J. Brand, History and antiquities of the town and county of the town of Newcastle upon Tyne. London: , 1789.
J. Brand, History and antiquities of the town and county of the town of Newcastle upon Tyne, 2 vol. London: , 1789.
G. Ellis, History of the late revolution in the Dutch Republic. London: , 1789.
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Maison du Roi. Paris: , 1789.
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Sallust, Opera omnia. London: , 1789.
Sallust, Opera omnia. London: , 1789.
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B. Whiskin, Royal recovery, a poem. Dublin: , 1789.
Spectre. London: , 1789.
Topographer. London: , 1789.
J. Pinkerton, Vitæ antiquæ sanctorum. London: , 1789.
N. Portlock, Voyage round the world. London: , 1789.
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W. Beresford, Voyage round the world. London: , 1789.
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G. Keate, Account of the Pelew Islands, situated in the western part of the Pacific Ocean. London: , 1788.
G. Keate, Account of the Pelew Islands, situated in the western part of the Pacific Ocean. London: , 1788.
G. Keate, Account of the Pelew Islands, situated in the western part of the Pacific Ocean. Dublin: , 1788.
G. Keate, Account of the Pelew Islands, situated in the western part of the Pacific Ocean. London: , 1788.
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T. Thorpe, Custumale Roffense, from the original manuscript in the archives of the Dean and Chapter of Rochester. London: , 1788.
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