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, Selections from the dispatches and general orders of Field Marshall the Duke of Wellington. London: , 1842.
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, Song of faith, devout exercises and sonnets. London: , 1842.
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, Waldenses, or, The fall of Rora. Oxford: , 1842.
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, Architectural tour of Normandy, 2nd ed.nd ed. London: , 1841.
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, Britannia after the Romans. London: , 1841.
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, Charles O’Malley, the Irish dragoon, 2 vols vol. Dublin: , 1841.
, Christ on the Cross: an exposition of the twenty-second Psalm. London: , 1841.
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, Deerslayer. London: , 1841.
, Elements of rhetoric, 6th ed. London: , 1841.
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, Flügel’s complete dictionary of the German and English languages, 2 vol. London: , 1841.
, History and antiquities of the city of Bristol. Bristol: , 1841.
, History of the Reformation of the Church of England, New., 2 vol. London: , 1841.
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, Master Humphrey’s clock, 3 vols vol. London: , 1841.
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, Original-Beiträge zur deutschen Schaubühne, 6 vol. Dresden: , 1841.
, Primitiae et reliquiae. London: , 1841.
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, Rhine, Italy, and Greece, in a series of drawings from nature by Colonel Cockburn, Major Irton, Messrs. Bartlett, Leitch, and Wolfensberger. London: , 1841.
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, History of the Peloponnesian War, 4th ed., 3 vol. Oxford: , 1840.
, Icones plantarum Indiæ Orientalis, 6 vol. Madras: , 1840.
, Illustrations of ancient state and chivalry from manuscripts preserved in the Ashmolean Museum. London: , 1840.
, The life and adventures of Michael Armstrong, the factory boy. London: , 1840.
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, Memorials of the most Reverend Father in God, Thomas Cranmer. Oxford: , 1840.
, Memorials of the Rebellion of 1569. London: , 1840.
, Metrical version of The acharnians, The knights and The birds. London: , 1840.
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