Bibliographic Sources of British Armorial Bindings

Author Title [ Year(Asc)]
Philological notes. 1600.
T. Dekker, Pleasant comedie of Old Fortunatus. London: , 1600.
G. C. Scaligero, Poemata omnia. Heidelberg: , 1600.
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Nostradamus, Propheties. Lyon: , 1600.
Records from the Tower of London. 1600.
Regis pie memorie Edwardi Tertii, a quadregessimo, ad quinquagessimum, anni omnes. London: , 1600.
N. Romney, Register of the Corporation of New Romney in the reigns of Edward III and Richard II. 1600.
Reports of cases 1571-76, 1588-1603. 1600.
Reports of cases in the reign of Elizabeth 1597-1603 . 1600.
Plato, Republique. Paris: , 1600.
J. Bongars, Rerum Hungaricarum scriptores rerum Germanicarum. Frankfurt: , 1600.
Rerum Hungaricarum scriptores varii. Frankfurt: , 1600.
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A. Capriolo, Ritratti di cento capitani illustri. Rome: , 1600.
Rolls of Parliament. 1600.
Livy, Romane historie. . London: , 1600.
Livy, Romane historie. London: , 1600.
Livy, Romane historie. London: , 1600.
W. Shakespeare, Second parte of Henrie the Fourth. London: , 1600.
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Spanish labyrinth. 1600.
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J. Lipsius, Admiranda. Antwerp: , 1599.
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J. Sir Hayward, First part of the life and raigne of King Henrie the IIII. London: , 1599.
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J. de Serres, Historical collection of the most memorable accidents, and tragicall massacres of France. London: , 1598.
S. Goulart, Historical collection, of the most memorable accidents, and tragicall massacres of France. London: , 1598.
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