Bibliographic Sources of British Armorial Bindings

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J. H. Cohausen, Hermippus redivivus, or, The sage's triumph over old age and the grave. London: , 1744.
J. H. Cohausen, Hermippus redivivus, or, The sages triumph over old age and the grave. London: , 1771.
C. Lennox, Hermione, or The orphan sisters. London: , 1791.
G. Harbin, Hereditary right of the crown of England asserted. London: , 1713.
G. Harbin, Hereditary right of the crown of England asserted. London: , 1713.
G. F. Pico della Mirandola, Here is co[n]teyned the lyfe of Johan Picus Erle of Myrandula. London: , 1525.
de V. Jacobus, Here foloweth a lytell table conteynynge the lyves and hystoryes shortly taken out of the bible. Westminster: , 1498.
de V. Jacobus, Here foloweth a lytell table conteynynge the lyves and hystoryes shortly taken out of the bible. Westminster: , 1498.
de V. Jacobus, Here foloweth a lytell table conteynynge the lyves and hystoryes shortly taken out of the bible. Westminster: , 1498.
S. Hawes, Here foloweth a compendyous story, and it is called the exemple of vertu. London: , 1530.
S. Hawes, Here foloweth a compendyous story, and it is called the exemple of vertu. London: , 1530.
D. Cato, Here begynneth the prologue or prohemye of the book callid Caton. Westminster: , 1483.
J. Capgrave, Here begynneth the kalendre of the newe legende of Englande. London: , 1516.
J. Froissart, Here begynneth the first volum of Sir Johan Froyssart of the cronycles of Englande, Fraunce, Spayne, Portyngale, Scotlande, Bretayne, Flauders, and other places adioynynge., 2 vol. London: .
J. Froissart, Here begynneth the first volum of Sir Iohan Froyssart: Of the cronycles of Englande, Fraunce, Spayne, Portyngale, Scotlande, Bretayne, Flau[n]ders: and other places adioynynge. London: , 1523.
J. Froissart, Here begynneth the first volum of Sir Iohan Froyssart: Of the cronycles of Englande, Fraunce, Spayne, Portyngale, Scotlande, Bretayne, Flau[n]ders: and other places adioynynge. London: , 1523.
J. Froissart, Here begynneth the first volum of Sir Iohan Froyssart: Of the cronycles of Englande, Fraunce, Spayne, Portyngale, Scotlande, Bretayne, Flau[n]ders: and other places adioynynge. London: , 1523.
Sallust, Here begynneth the famous cronycle of the warre, which the romayns had agaynst Jugurth vsurper of the kyngdome of Numidy. London: , 1525.
W. Caxton, Here begynneth a lityll treatise of the arte and crafte to knowe well to dye. Westminster: , 1490.
J. Froissart, Here beginnith the firste volum of Syr John Froissart: Of the cronycles of Englande. London: , 1563.
J. Froissart, Here beginnith the firste volum of Syr John Froissart: Of the Cronycles of Englande. London: , 1563.
J. Waley, Here beginneth the seinge of urines. London: , 1550.
Here beginneth a merye jest of a man that was called Howle-glas. London: , 1530.
Herculanensium voluminum quæ supersunt. Naples: , 1793.
H. Howard Mol Carnarvon, Herberts of Highclere. London: , 1908.
H. Howard Mol Carnarvon, Herberts of Highclere. London: , 1908.
T. H. Lister, Herbert Lacy. London: , 1828.
T. H. Lister, Herbert Lacy. London: , 1828.
C. Egenolff, Herbarum imagines vivæ. Frankfurt: , 1536.
C. Egenolff, Herbarum imagines vivæ. Frankfurt: , 1536.
J. Veldener, Herbarius, i[n] Latino cu[m] figuris . Louvain: , 1485.
J. Horst, Herbarium Horstianum. Marburg: , 1630.
C. Durante, Herbario nuovo. Rome: , 1585.
C. Durante, Herbario nuovo. Rome: , 1585.
J. Gerard, Herball, or Generall historie of plantes. London: , 1633.
J. Gerard, Herball, or Generall historie of plantes. London: , 1597.
J. Gerard, Herball, or Generall historie of plantes. London: , 1636.
J. Gerard, Herball, or Generall historie of plantes. London: , 1597.
J. Gerard, Herball, or Generall historie of plantes. London: , 1633.
J. Gerard, Herball, or Generall historie of plantes. London: , 1597.
G. Strong, Heraldry of Herefordshire. London: , 1848.
S. Lennard, Heraldic visitation of Leicestershire [manuscript]. 1619.
Dugdale, William, Sir, Heraldic miscellanies. London: , 1793.
Herald’s Office in Ulster, Heraldic calendar. Dublin: , 1846.
E. Nares, Heraldic anomalies, 2ndnd ed., 2 vol. London: , 1824.
Her Grace of Marlborough’s party gibberish explained. London: , 1742.
Q. consort of Henry II, King of Navarre Marguerite, Heptaméron de la reine Marguerite de Navarre, 3 vol. Paris: , 1879.
Henry and Blanche, or, The revengeful marriage. London: , 1745.
Henry and Blanche, or, The revengeful marriage. London: , 1745.
A. R. Le Sage, Henry and Blanch. London: , 1745.
F. Xavier de Ericeira, Henriqueida. Lisbon: , 1741.
J. A. R. Perrin, Henriette de Marconne, ou, Memoires du chevalier de Présac. Amsterdam: , 1763.
Voltaire, Henriade. Paris: , 1770.
Voltaire, Henriade. London: , 1728.
Voltaire, Henriade. London: , 1728.
Henriade. London: , 1728.
Voltaire, Henriade. London: , 1728.
Voltaire, Henriade. London: , 1728.
Voltaire, Henriade. London: , 1734.
Voltaire, Henriade. London: , 1728.
J. Simmler, Helvetiorum respublica. Leiden: , 1627.
P. Heylyn, Help to English history. London: , 1680.
H. Boece, Heir beginnis the Hystory and croniklis of Scotland. Edinburgh: , 1536.
Snorri Sturluson, Heimskringla edr noregs konunga sögoe. Copenhagen: , 1777.
J. Minsheu, Hegemon eis tas glossas, id est Ductor in linguas. London: , 1617.
J. Minsheu, Hegemon eis tas glossas, id est Ductor in linguas. London: , 1617.
Aibn Abī B. Marghīnanī, Hedaya, or Guide: a commentary on the Mussulman laws. London: , 1791.
Euripides, Hecuba, Orestes et Phœnissæ. London: , 1748.
Euripides, Hecuba. Cambridge: , 1802.
G. Anselmo, Hecuba. Parma: , 1506.
W. Smith, Hector of Germany. London: , 1615.
G. C. Giraldi, Hecatommithi, overo Cento novella. Venice: , 1574.
T. Birch, The heads of illustrious persons of Great Britain engraven by Mr Houbraken and Mr Vertue. London: , 1743.
T. Birch, Heads of illustrious persons of Great Britain. London: , 1743.
T. Birch, Heads of illustrious persons of Great Britain. London: , 1747.
T. Birch, Heads of illustrious persons of Great Britain. London: , 1743.
T. Birch, Heads of illustrious persons of Great Britain. London: , 1743.
T. Birch, Heads of illustrious persons of Great Britain. London: , 1743.
H. Dodwell, H.D. in Iulii Vitales epitaphium notae criticae, vol. 2 vols. Exeter: , 1711.
C. P. J. de Crébillon, Hazard du coin du feu. The Hague: , 1763.
J. Traherne Moggridge, Harvesting ants and trap door spiders. London: , 1873.
S. Jackson Pratt, Harvest-home. London: , 1805.
M. Edgeworth, Harry and Lucy concluded, 4 vol. London: , 1825.
M. Edgeworth, Harrington, 3 vol. London: , 1817.
Harmony of the Gospels [manuscript]. Scotland: , 1691.
A. Osiander, Harmoniæ Evangelicæ libri IIII. Paris: , 1545.
P. Leyser, Harmoniæ euangelicæ, a præstantiss. theol. D. M. Chemnitio primum inchoatæ. Geneva: , 1641.
P. Leyser, Harmoniæ euangelicæ, a præstantiss. theol. D. M. Chemnitio primum inchoatæ. Geneva: , 1641.
J. Calvin, Harmonie upon the three evangelistes. London: , 1610.
J. Kepler, Harmonices mundi. Linz: , 1619.
Harmonia quatuor evangeliorum juxta sectiones ammonianas et Eusebii canones. Oxford: , 1805.
R. Cotes, Harmonia mensurarum. Cambridge: , 1722.
J. Calvin, Harmonia ex evangelistis tribus composite. Matthæ, Marco & Luca. Geneva: , 1595.
J. Le Clerc, Harmonia evangelica. Amsterdam: , 1700.
J. Athearn Jones, Hardenbrass and Haverill, 4 vol. London: , 1817.
F. de Belleforest, Harangues militaires. Geneva: , 1595.
F. de Belleforest, Harangues militaires. Geneva: , 1595.
S. Thomas, Hanes y byd a’r amseroedd, er hyfforddiad rhai o’r Cymru. London: , 1722.
V. Scholderer, Handlist of incunabula in the National Library of Wales. Aberystwyth: , 1940.
V. Scholderer, Handlist of incunabula in the National Library of Wales. Aberystwyth: , 1940.
R. John King, Handbook to the cathedrals of England. London: , 1869.
F. Kugler, Handbook of painting: the German, Flemish, and Dutch schools. London: , 1860.
P. Cunningham, Hand-book of London past and present. London: , 1850.
J. Hunter, Hallamshire: the history and topography of the parish of Sheffield. London: , 1869.
E. Hall, Hall’s Chronicle containing the history of England, during the reign of Henry the Fourth, and its succeeding monarchs. London: , 1809.
E. Hall, Hall’s Chronicle containing the history of England, during the reign of Henry the Fourth, and its succeeding monarchs. London: , 1809.
W. Coxe, Half bound in calf with stamp 2 in gold at the foot of the spines. London: , 1802.
S. Purchas, Hakluytus posthumus, or, Purchas his pilgrimes. London: , 1625.
S. Purchas, Hakluytus posthumus, or, Purchas his pilgrimes. London: , 1625.
Du Bartas, Guillaume de Salluste, seigneur, Hadriani Dammanis a Bysterveldt Dn. de Fair-Hill, Bartasias; qui de mundi creatione libri septem. Edinburgh: , 1600.
