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, Historical and descriptive view of the parishes of Monkwearmouth and Bishopwearmouth. Sunderland: , 1819.
, History of the County Palatine and City of Chester, 3 vol. London: , 1819.
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, Life of William Lord Russell. London: , 1819.
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, Parvenus, ou Les aventures de Julien Delmours, 2 vol. Paris: , 1819.
, Pétrarche et Laure. Paris: , 1819.
, Plates to Selby’s Illustrations of British ornithology. Edinburgh: , 1819.
, Quæstionum Plautinarum liber primus, sive De hiatu in versibus Plautinus. Wrocław: , 1819.
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, Rodolph the Wolf, or Columbine Red Riding Hood. London: , 1819.
, Shakspeare’s genius justified. London: , 1819.
, Some account of the life of Rachael Wriothesley Lady Russell. London: , 1819.
, Specimens of the British poets, 7 vol. London: , 1819.
, Statistique de la Suisse. Geneva: , 1819.
, Tableaux, statues, bas-reliefs et camées de la galerie de Florence et du Palais Pitti. Paris: , 1819.
, Travels in various countries of the East, 3 vol. London: , 1819.
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, Voyage up the Persian Gulf. London: , 1819.
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, Chronological history of voyages into the Arctic regions. London: , 1818.
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, Don Quixote de la Mancha, 4 vol. London: , 1818.
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, Historical, military, and picturesque observations on Portugal, 2 vol. London: , 1818.
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, Hymns of Homer: the Batrachomyomachia; and two original poetical hymns. Chiswick: , 1818.
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