Bibliographic Sources of British Armorial Bindings

Author Title [ Year(Asc)]
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Noms, armes et blasons des chevaliers de la table ronde [manuscript]. S.l.: .
S. Pepys, [Notebook containing transcripts of commissions and instructions relating to service in the Royal Dockyards, the majority in shorthand, beginning in 1660 and running on through to 1686. Manuscript].
S. Pepys, Notebook containing transcripts of commissions and instructions relating to service in the Royal Dockyards, the majority in shorthand, beginning in 1660 and running on through to 1686 [manuscript. .
Anacreon, Odes of Anacreon. London: .
J. Le Pautre, Oeuvres d’architecture. Paris: .
Virgil, Opera. Paris: .
S. Thomas Aquinas, Opera omnia. ?: .
M. Becanus, Opusculorum theologicorum, 5 vol. Mainz: .
Ordinary and Roll of Arms. .
O. Survey, Ordnance map of Essex. S.l.: .
O. Survey, Ordnance maps, 6 vol. S.l.: .
O. Office of Ireland, Ordnance survey maps for County Down, 6 boxes vol. .
Ordonances of chivalry [manuscript]. London: .
Our conservative and unionist statesmen, 2 vol. London: .
Cand unioni statesmen, Our conservative and unionist statesmen, 2 vol. London: .
Palaeographia Britannica, or, Prints of Roman antiquities in Brittain drawn by Wm. Stukeley, presented to His Grace John Duke of Mountagu. A.D. MDCCXLIII [manuscript]. .
Pamphlets of religious commentary, 16 vol. .
Parliamentary collection. .
Kof England I, Parliamentary petitions of Edward I [manuscript]. .
E. Sir Walker, Perfect copyes of all the votes, letters, proposals, answers relateing unto & passed in the Treaty. .
Pieces du cabinet du roy. .
[Plays]. London: .
M. G. Vida, Poemata quae extant, 4 vols in 2 vol. London: .
R. Southey, Poetical works . Paris: .
G. Crabbe, Poetical works. Paris: .
R. Southey, Poetical works . Paris: .
G. Crabbe, Poetical works . Paris: .
J. Baptiste Lelieur, Pomone françoise. Paris: .
[Pontifical]. .
Catholic Church, Pontificale ad usum Ecclesiæ Romanæ et Anglicanæ [manuscript]. S.l.: .
Kof France, Portraits des rois de France [album], 2 vol. S.l.: .
B. Pererius, Primus[-secundus] tomus selectarum disputationum. Ingolstadt: .
R. Hakluyt, Principal navigations, voiages, traffiques and discoueries of the English nation, made by sea or ouer land, to the remote and farthest distant quarters of the earth, at any time within the compasse of these 1500 yeeres, 3 vol. .
Proceedings of the committee appointed to arrange the coronation of Charles II. .
Processus factus ad coronationem serenissimae dominae Annae Reginae Angliae & Anno regni sui primo [manuscript]. .
W. Lyndwood, Prouinciale, sue, Constitutiones Anglie. Paris: .
Priscianius, Præcepta grammatica. .
B. O. T. Psalms 1603, Psalmes of David. Edinburgh: .
B. O. T. Latin, Psalter [manuscript] . .
Questions of honnor & armes [manuscript]. .
Records in King John’s time [manuscript] . .
Registrum brevium and other legal texts. .
Registrum cartarum Prioratus de Brenkenburne in agro Northumbrie. .
Relaciones de D. Fernando de Alba Yxtlilxochitl [manuscript], vol. 4. S.l.: .
G. Sandys, Relation of a journey begun in the yeare 1610. .
T. Wotton, Rent roll of his estates, 1579 and 1584.[manuscript]. .
Rolls of Parliament 1-5 Henry VI (1422-37) [manuscript 16th or 17th cent.]. .
Romance of Renaut de Montauban in French verse. [manuscript.13th century]. .
Cof Arms, Scott-Gatty MSS . S.l.: .
J. de Marquez, Second booke conteyninge the life of Josue the great successor of Moyses. .
Marsh [John?], Select movements for the pianoforte. .
J. Sir Stevenson, Selection of melodies. London: .
G. William Ma Reynolds, Sequel to Don Juan, 2ndnd ed. London: .
F. Cortés, Siguese la sesta rrelacion [sic] qu[e] el di[ch]o capitan general Herna[n]do Cortes escrivio a Su Magestad. [manuscript]. S.l.: .
P. Cogan, Six sonatas for the harpsichord. London: .
A. Campbell-Swinton, Sixteen volumes of Scottish religious tracts. 1840-1843, 16 vol. Various: .
F. Petrarca, Sonetti, canzoni, triumphi. .
R. Kipling, Song of the women. .
W. de Worde, Speculum peccatorum. London: .
R. Zamorensis, Speculum vitae humanae. Cologne: .
Oof the Garter, Statutes and Ordinances of the Most Noble Order of the Garter written in the reign of Henry VIII, with additions made by Queen Elizabeth [manuscript]. .
Oof the Garter, Statutes of the Most Noble Order of the Garter [manuscript]. .
H. Aldrich, Tabulæ architectonicæ Aldrichianæ. .
L. Zetzner, Theatrum chemicum, vol. 1, 3, 4. Strasbourg: .
Titus & Vespasian [manuscript]. .
C. Giraldus, Topographia Hibernica. .
J. de Sacro Bosco, Tractatus de motu octaue spe [incomplete]. S.l.: .
H. 'sBay Company, Transactions betweene England and France relating to Hudson’s Bay [manuscript]. .
H. ’sBay Company, Transactions betweene England and France relating to Hudson’s Bay [manuscript]. .
Translation of exemplification of old grants of franchises of East Retford. .
Translation of exemplification of old grants of franchises of East Retford . .
Treatise on geography [manuscript]. London?: .
J. Leslie, Treatise touchinge the right, title, and interest of the moste excellente princesse Marie, Queene of Scotland. .
Variation of the armes and badges of England [manuscript] . London?: .
Various manuscripts. .
Vie de robert le diable. . Paris: .
H. Chitting, Visitations of the Counties of Gloucester and Berkshire. .
Vitrarius ad Grotium [manuscript]. .
Vitrarius ad Grotium [manuscript]. . .
M. Toft, Volume containing tracts and transcripts of tracts and letters, portraits, &c. relating to Mary Toft, the “rabbit breeder”. London: .
Volume of engravings. .
S. Rosa, [Volume of prints]. .
Virgil, Works. Birmingham: .
R. Burns, Works, 2 vol. London: .
Year books of Edward III. .
