Story of ida: epitaph on an Etrurian tomb

TitleStory of ida: epitaph on an Etrurian tomb
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication1885
AuthorsAlexander, F
CityOrpington, Kent
LibraryThomas Fisher Library University of Toronto
BindingBound in vellum by Birdsall & Son Northampton, with pale blue inlays and silk doublures, gilt gauffered edges, and with the stamp in blue and gold on the upper cover
BinderBirdsall & Son Northampton
SignatureInscription: "Caro [?] Mason from C.W.B. 1889" [Clare Benedict?]
Call Numberbird 00091

Possibly the American poet Caroline Atherton Briggs Mason (July 27, 1823 – June 13, 1890)

Monogram C M