God and the King

TitleGod and the King
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication1663
AuthorsMocket, R
LibraryCambridge University
BindingBound in maroon goatskin by W. Pratt with stamp 2 in gold
BinderPratt, William (London)
Call NumberSyn.7.66.77
Christie-Miller, Samuel (1810 - 1889) (Stamp 2)
Arms Quarterly Ist & IVth grand quarters. Quarterly 1 & 4. A cross moline (Miller) 2. A mullet pierced between three cross crosslets fitchy (Adam) 3. Per fess a castle with four towers port open (Rawson) IInd & IIIrd grand quarters. A saltire engrailed between two mullets in pale and two roses in fess (Christie)
Heraldic Charges: