Tragœdia decemviratus abrogatus

TitleTragœdia decemviratus abrogatus
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication1613
AuthorsDempster, T
LibraryNational Library of Scotland
BindingBound in black goatskin with the stamp in gold on the covers
BookplateArmorial bookplate of The Right Honble Thomas Earl of Hadinton [Franks 13428] [Thomas Hamilton, 7th Earl of Haddington (1721 1795)]
SignatureInscription on the titlepage: “Melrose”; Inscription: “To Dr Jamieson from his humble svt Hadding[ton?]” ; Note on endpaper: “Gibson Craig sale 1837 lot 788”
Call NumberRy.IV.h.55
Unidentified Stamp
Arms On an anchor a winged heart in chief three mullets
Possibilities for Identification: 
Not in Burke's General armory, nor in Papworth.
Heraldic Charges: