Calm inquiry into the scripture doctrine concerning the person of Christ.

TitleCalm inquiry into the scripture doctrine concerning the person of Christ.
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication1817
AuthorsBelsham, T
LibraryGladstone Library St. Deiniol’s
BindingHalf bound in calf with the stamp in gold at the head of the spine
BookplateArmorial bookplate of W.E. Gladstone
Call NumberI 73 25
Unidentified Stamp
Crest A panache of five ostrich feathers
Possibilities for Identification: 
The only likely candidate from the various sources consulted is Sir Hanson Berney, 8th Baronet, of Parkehall, Norfolk (1780–1870); from Fairbairn’s Crests, plate 251/6.
Heraldic Charges: