Darker superstitions of Scotland

TitleDarker superstitions of Scotland
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication1835
AuthorsDalyell, JG
LibraryUniversity of Reading
BindingHalf bound in calf with the stamp in gold at the head of the spine
BookplateArmorial bookplate of Baron Overstone; Armorial bookplate of J.R. McCulloch
Call NumberOverstone 24I/10
Unidentified Stamp
Crest A stag lodged
Possibilities for Identification: 
Many families used this crest. See Fairbairn’s Crests, plate 115/7: Agmondisham; Anderson; Balberney; Beetham; Blair; Brocket; Brun; Buck; Cocks; Coggeshall; Crickman; Den [ne]; Denholm; Dickson; Dingwall-Fordyce; Downes; Fordyce-Blair; Galland; Gordon; Graeme; Graham; Gullan; Hollingworth [Holyngeworthe]; Hopson; Howell; Karbyll; Macartney; McMin[n] [McMyne]; Maxwell; Medford; Millman; Park; Perkin; Robarts; Scott; Simmer; Skae; Symmer; Towers; Van; Webb; Wroughton. Plate 302/7: Hollingworth
Heraldic Charges: