Bibliographic Sources of British Armorial Bindings

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Bargagli, S. . Dell’imprese . 1594 . Venice
Bodin, J. . Demonomania de gli stregoni . 1599 . Venice
Blondel, D. . Des sibylles célebrées tant par l'antiquité . 1649 . Paris
Burton, W. . Description of Leicester Shire . 1622 . London
Badger, G.P. . Description of Malta and Gozo . 1858 . Malta
Badger, G.P. . Description of Malta and Gozo . 1858 . Malta
Boreman, T. . Description of three hundred animals . 1794 . London
Brooks, S. . Designs for cottage and villa architecture . 1839 . London
Boccalini, T. . De’ ragguagli di Parnaso . 1614 . Venice
Bury, Charlotte Campbell, Lady . Diary illustrative of the times of George the Fourth . 1838 . Paris
Brodie, A. . Diary of Alexander Brodie of Brodie . 1740 . Edinburgh
Barrow, J. . Dictionarium polygraphicum . 1758 . London
Bayle, P. . Dictionary . 1700 .
Bell, W. . Dictionary and digest of the law of Scotland . 1861 . Edinburgh
Bell, W. . Dictionary and digest of the law of Scotland . 1861 . Edinburgh
Baretti, G. . Dictionary of the English and Italian languages . 1760 . London
Bayle, P. . Dictionnaire historique et critique . 1820 . Paris
Boyle, P. . Dictionnaire historique et critique . 1740 . Amsterdam
Bruyerin, J.B. . Dipnosophia, seu Sitologi . 1606 . Frankfurt
Buoni, T. . Discorsi academici de mondi . 1605 . Venice
Bossuet, J.B. . Discours sur l’histoire universelle . 1732 . Paris
Bryskett, L. . Discourse of civill life . 1606 . London
Besold, C. . Discusus politici . 1623 . Strasbourg
Bellarmino, R.F.R. . Disputationes de controversiis christianae fidei . 1608 . Paris
Bellarmino, R.F.R. . Disputationum tom. I. . 1601 . Ingolstadt
Bellarmino, R.F.R. . Disputationum tom. II. . 1601 . Ingolstadt
Bellarmino, R.F.R. . Disputationum tom. III. . 1601 . Ingolstadt
Bellarmino, Roberto Francesco Romolo, Saint . Disputationum … de controversiis Christianae fidei . 1603 . Venice
Bellarmino, R.Francesco . Disputationum … de controversiis Christianae fidei . 1603 . Venice
Barnes, J. . Dissertatio contra æquivocationes . 1625 . Paris
Barnes, J. . Dissertatio contra æquivocationes . 1625 . Paris
Bucerus, G. . Dissertatio de gubernatione ecclesiæ . 1618 . Middelburg
Bolingbroke, Henry St John, Viscount . Dissertation upon parties . 1735 . Dublin


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