Bibliographic Sources of British Armorial Bindings

| . | 1 | 5 | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | [ | `
Gevaerts, J.G. . Electorum libri III . 1619 . Paris
Gevaerts, J.Gaspard . Electorum libri III . 1619 . Parma
Gevaerts, J.Gaspard . Electorum libri III . 1619 . Parma
Gregory, D. . Elements of astronomy, physical and geometrical . 1715 . London
Giovio, P. . Elogia virorum bellica virtute illustrium . 1551 . Florence
Giovio, P. . Elogia virorum literis illustrium . 1577 . Basel
Groto, L. . Emilia . 1586 . Venice
Gwilt, J. . Encyclopaedia of architecture . 1859 . London
gentlemen, Sof . England displayed . 1769 . London
Gulliver, L. . Eo-nauts, or, The spirit of delusion . 1813 . London
Gosson, S. . Ephemerides of Phialo . 1586 . London
Gesner, K. . Epistolarum medicinalium . 1577 . Zurich
Grotius, H. . Epistolæ ad Gallos . 1648 . Leiden
Grotius, H. . Epistolæ ad Gallos . 1650 . Leiden
Galen, . Epitome . 1571 . Basel
Guibert, F.A. . Essai général de tactique . 1772 . London
Guibert, F.A. . Essai général de tactique . 1772 . London
Gilpin, W. . Essay upon prints . 1768 . London
Grant, A. . Ethics of Aristotle . 1866 . London
Goar, J. . Euchologiōn, sive Rituale Græcorum . 1647 . Paris
Great Britain, . Exact collection of all such Acts . 1660 . London
Gheyn, J. de . Exercise of armes for caliures, muskettes, and pikes . 1607 . The Hague
Gheyn, J. de . Exercise of armes for caliures, muskettes, and pikes . 1607 . The Hague
Gassendi, P. . Exercitationes paradoxicæ adversus Aristoteleos . 1649 . Amsterdam
Gay, J. . Fables . 1793 . London
Gay, J. . Fables . 1746 . London
Gay, J. . Fables . 1746 . London
Guevara, A. de . Familiar epistles of Sir Antonie of Guevara . 1584 . London
Guevara, A. de . Familiar epistles of Sir Antonie of Guevara . 1584 . London
Goltz, H. . Fastos magistratuum et triumphorum Romanorum . 1566 . Bruges
Goltz, H. . Fastos magistratuum et triumphorum Romanorum . 1566 . Bruges
Goltz, H. . Fastos magistratuum et triumphorum Romanorum . 1566 . Bruges
Gibbons, O. . First set of madrigals and mottets of 5 parts . 1612 . London
Gruterus, J. . Florilegii magni . 1624 . Strasbourg


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