Bibliographic Sources of British Armorial Bindings

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Gosse, P.Henry . Illustrations of the birds of Jamaica . 1849 . London
Gosse, P.Henry . Illustrations of the birds of Jamaica . 1849 . London
Gwinne, M. . In assertorem chymicae . 1611 . London
Gebhard, J. . In Catullum, Tibullum, Propertium animadversiones . 1618 . Hannover
Grotius, H. . In consultationem G. Cassandri annotata . 1642 . Leiden
Gwalther, R. . In Divi Pauli Apostoli Epistolas omnes . 1589 . Zurich
Gwalther, R. . In Prophetas duodecim, quos vocant minores . 1572 . Zurich
Guillermus, A. . In quattuor Sententiarum libros explanatio . 1505 . Paris
Gordon, T. . Independent Whig . 1727 . London
Geliot, L. . Indice armorial . 1635 . Paris
Gruterus, J. . Inscriptionum Romanarum corpus absolutissimum . 1616 . Heidelberg
Gunn, A. . Introduction to music . 1803 . Edinburgh
Guild, W. . Issachars asse . 1622 . Aberdeen
Giannone, P. . Istoria civile del regno di Napoli . 1762 . Palmira
Gordon, A. . Itinerarium septentrionale . 1724 . London
Gordon, A. . Itinerarium septentrionale . 1724 . London
Gibson, E. . Iulii Cæsaris Portus Iccius illustratus . 1694 . Oxford
Glapthorne, H. . Ladies priviledge . 1640 . London
Geneva, . Lawes and statutes of Geneva . 1562 . London
Grossius, T. . Lectiones de febribus. . 1627 . Venice
Genoa (Republic), . Leges, novæ Reipublicæ Genven . 1576 . Genoa
Glover, R. . Leonidas: a poem . 1798 . London
Glover, R. . Leonidas: a poem . 1737 . London
Gifford, J. . Letter to the Hon. Thomas Erskine . 1797 . London
Grillo, A. . Lettere . 1608 . Venice
Groto, L. . Lettere famigliari . 1616 . Venice


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