Bibliographic Sources of British Armorial Bindings

| . | 1 | 5 | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | [ | `
Khunrath, H. . Amphitheatrum sapientiæ æternæ solius veræ . 1609 . Hanau
King, E. . Antiquities of Mexico . 1830 . London
Knight, H.Gally . Architectural tour of Normandy . 1841 . London
King, D. . Arden, the vale royal of England . 1656 . London
King, D. . Arden, the vale-royall of England . 1656 . London
Kircher, A. . Ars magna lucis et umbræ . 1646 . Rome
Kahle, L.M. . Balance de l’Europe . 1744 . Berlin
Kent, S. . Banner display’d . 1726 . London
Kimber, E.; J. . Baronetage of England . 1771 . London
Köcher, J.C. . Bibliotheca theologicæ symbolicæ et catecheticæ . 1751 . Guelph
Köcher, J.C. . Bibliotheca theologicæ symbolicæ et catecheticæ . 1751 . Guelph
Kip, J. . Britannia illustrata . 1714 . London
Kitton, F.G. . Charles Dickens by Pen and Pencil . 1890 . London
Kircher, A. . China monumentis, qua sacra quà profanis . 1667 . Antwerp
Kircher, A. . China monumentis, qua sacris quà profanis . 1667 . Amsterdam
Killigrew, T. . Comedies and tragedies . 1664 . London
Killigrew, T. . Comedies and tragedies . 1664 . London
Killigrew, T. . Comedies and tragedies . 1664 . London
Killigrew, T. . Comedies and tragedies . 1664 . London
Killigrew, T. . Comedies and tragedies . 1664 . London
Killigrew, T. . Comedies and tragedies . 1664 . London
Killigrew, T. . Comedies and tragedies . 1664 . London
Killigrew, T. . Comedies and tragedies . 1664 . London
Killigrew, T. . Comedies and tragedies . 1664 . London
Knewstubs, J. . Confutation of monstrous and horrible heresies . 1579 . London
Knight, J. . David Garrick . 1894 . London
King, W. . De origine mali . 1702 . London
Knorr, G.Wolfgang . Deliciæ naturæ selectæ . 1766 . Nuremberg
Kidder, R. . Demonstration of the Messias . 1726 . London
Knight, E.C. . Description of Latium, or La campagna di Roma . 1805 . London
Knight, E.C. . Description of Latium, or La campagne di Roma . 1805 . London
Knight, E.C. . Description of Latium, or La campagne di Roma . 1805 . London
Knight, E.C. . Description of Latium, or La campagne di Roma . 1807 . London
Knight, E.C. . Description of Latium, or La campagne di Roma . 1805 . London
Kent, W. . Designs of Inigo Jones . 1727 . London
Keats, J. . Endymion: a poetic romance . 1818 . London
King, W. . Essay on the origin of evil. . 1731 . London
Kennedy, G. . Father Clement . 1824 . Edinburgh
Kelty, M.Ann . Favourite of nature . 1822 . London
Ker, P. . Flosculum poeticum . 1684 . London
Knolles, R. . General historie of the Turks . 1621 . London
Knolles, R. . General historie of the Turks . 1621 . London


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