Bibliographic Sources of British Armorial Bindings

| . | 1 | 5 | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | [ | `
Le Petit, J.François . A general historie of the Netherlands [tr. E. Grimeston] . 1609 . London
Le Petit, J.François . A generall historie of the Netherlands [tr E. Grimeston] . 1609 . London
L'Heureux, J. . Abraxas, seu Apistopistus . 1657 . Antwerp
La Primaudaye, P. de . Academie françoise . 1587 . Basel
Legh, G. . Accedens of armory . 1576 . London
Legh, G. . Accedens of armory . 1576 . London
Legh, G. . Accedens of armory . 1572 . London
Langbaine, G. . Account of the English dramatick poets . 1691 . Oxford
Le Roy, J. . Achates Tiberianus . 1683 . Amsterdam
Le Roy, J. . Achates Tiberianus . 1683 . Amsterdam
Lipsius, J. . Admiranda . 1599 . Antwerp
Lipsius, J. . Admiranda . 1598 . Antwerp
Lycophron, . Alexandra, siue Cassandra . 1546 . Basel
La Fontaine, J. . Amours de Psiche et de Cupidon . 1669 . Paris
La Fontaine, J. de . Amours de Psyché et de Cupidon . 1781 . Paris
Lancelotz, H. . Anatomia Christiana deformata . 1613 . Antwerp
Le Vasseur, J. . Annales de l’eglise cathedrale de Noyon . 1633 . Paris
Ledwich, E. . Antiquitates Sarisburienses . 1771 . Salisbury
Ledwich, E. . Antiquitates Sarisburiensis . 1771 . Salisbury
Ledwich, E. . Antiquities of Ireland . 1790 . Dublin
Lauro, G. . Antiquæ urbis splendor . 1612 . Rome
Lauro, G. . Antiquæ urbis splendor . 1612 . Rome
Lauro, G. . Antiquæ urbis splendor . 1637 . Rome
Lee, E. . Apologia contra quorundam calumnias . 1520 . Paris
Llull, R. . Arbor scientiæ. . 1515 . Lyon
Lambarde, W. . Archaionomia, sive De priscis Anglorum legibus libri . 1644 . Cambridge
La Roche, E. de . Arismetique et geometrie . 1538 . Lyon
Lister, T.H. . Arlington . 1832 . London
Lamy, B. . Art of speaking . 1696 . London
Lefèvre d’Etaples, J. . Artificialis introductio in decem libros Ethicorum Aristotelis . 1506 . Paris
Loredano, G.F. . Ascents of the soul . 1681 . London
Loredano, G.F. . Ascents of the soul . 1681 . London
Loredano, G.F. . Ascents of the soul . 1681 . London
Loredano, G.F. . Ascents of the soul . 1681 . London
Loredano, G.F. . Ascents of the soul . 1681 . London


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