Bibliographic Sources of British Armorial Bindings

| . | 1 | 5 | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | [ | `
Ruelens, C. . Premiere relation de Christophe Colomb . 1885 . Brussels
Rycaut, P. . Present state of the Ottoman Empire . 1670 . London
Rolle, R. . Prick of conscience . 1534 . London
Rowland, J. . Pro Rege & populo Anglicano apologia . 1651 . Antwerp
Romain, A. . Pyrotechnia . 1611 . Frankfurt
Rawlinson, J. . Quadriga salutis . 1625 . Oxford
Ramirez de Prado, L. . Quinquaginta militum . 1612 . Antwerp
Ritson, J. . Quip modest . 1788 . London
Rodrigues, M. . Quæstiones regulares et canonicæ . 1628 . Antwerp
Rapin, R. . Rapin Of gardens, a Latin poem . 1706 . London
Rapin, R. . Reflexions sur la poetique de ce temps . 1675 . Paris
Racine, L. . Religion, poëme . 1742 . Paris
R., T. . Remarks on the Barrier-Treaty vindicated . 1713 . London
Rider, J. . Riders dictionarie corrected and augmented . 1640 . London
Rosinus, J. . Romanarum antiquitatum . 1583 . Basel
Rosinus, J. . Romanarum antiquitatum . 1583 . Basel
Rowe, N. . Royal convert . 1708 . London
Rosa, S. . Satire dedicate a settano . 1664 . Naples
Régnier, M. . Satyres, et autres oeuvres . 1652 . Leiden
Rosenmüller, J.G. . Scholia in Novum Testamentum tomus III . 1793 . Nuremberg
Ritson, J. . Scotish songs . 1794 . London
Rule, G. . Second vindication of the Church of Scotland . 1691 . Edinburgh
Ramusio, G.Battista . Secondo[-terzo] volume delle navigatione . 1574 . Venice
Ruscelli, G. . Secrets of Alexis . 1615 . London
Reynolds, G.William Ma . Sequel to Don Juan . 1845 . London
Reynolds, G.William Ma . Sequel to Don Juan . 0 . London
Rossini, L. . Setti colli di Roma anticha e moderna . 1827 . Rome
Radini Tedeschi, T. . Sideralis abyssus . 1514 . Paris
Rowley, A. . Sodalis discipulis . 1648 . London


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