Bibliographic Sources of British Armorial Bindings

| . | 1 | 5 | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | [ | `
Torriano, G. . Piazza universale di proverbi italiani . 1666 . London
Torriano, G. . Piazza universale di proverbi italiani . 1666 . London
Torriano, G. . Piazza universale di proverbi italiani . 1666 . London
Taylor, J. . Pictorial history of Scotland . 1859 . London
Turner, J.Mallord Wi . Picturesque views of the southern coast of England . 1826 . London
Turner, J.Mallord Wi . Picturesque views on the southern coast of England . 1826 . London
Taylor, W. . Pieces of poetry with two dramas . 1830 . Chiswick
Tennyson, A. . Poems . 1851 . London
Theobold, K. of N. . Poesies du roy de Navarre . 1742 . Paris
Thomson, J. . Poetical works . 1847 . London
Thomson, J. . Poetical works . 1784 . Glasgow
Tickell, T. . Poetical works . 1796 . London
Thompson, J. . Poetical works . 1784 . Glasgow
Tritheim, J. . Polygraphiæ libri sex . 1518 . Basel
Tyndale, W. . Practyse of prelates . 1530 . Antwerp
Tate, N. . Present for the ladies . 1692 . London
Tighe, M. . Psyche, with other poems . 1811 . London
Tighe, M. . Psyche, with other poems . 1811 . London
Tighe, H. . Psyche, with other poems . 1811 . London
Tighe, H. . Psyche, with other poems . 1811 . London
Tighe, M. . Psyche, with other poems . 1811 . London
Tighe, H. . Psyche, with other poems . 1811 . London
Tighe, H.(Mrs.) . Psyche, with other poems . 1811 . London
Terence, . Publii Terentii Afri Comoediae . 1772 . Birmingham
Terence, . Publii Terentii Afri Comoediae . 1772 . Birmingham
Trench, W.Steuart . Realities of Irish life . 1868 . London
Trigault, N. . Rei Christianæ apud Iaponios commentarius . 1615 . Augsburg
Toland, J. . Relation des cours de Prusse et de Hanovie . 1706 . The Hague
Tweddell, J. . Remains of the late John Tweddell . 1815 . London
Tweddell, J. . Remains of the late John Tweddell . 1815 . London
Tweddell, J. . Remains of the late John Tweddell . 1815 . London
Thomson, J. . Retreats . 1827 . London
Twisse, W. . Riches of Gods love unto the beséis of mercy . 1653 . Oxford
Trueba y Cosío, J.T. de . Romance of history: Spain. . 1830 . London
Turturetus, V. . Sacellu[m] regium . 1630 . Madrid
Taylor, I. . Saturday evening . 1839 .
Taylor, I. . Saturday evening . 1839 . London
Taylor, I. . Saturday evening . 1839 . London


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