Bibliographic Sources of British Armorial Bindings
Choice of the best poetical pieces of the most eminent English poets [ed. J.F. Retzer] .
1783 .
Commentarii ac dispvtationes in tertium partem Svmmae theologiae sancti Thomae Aqvinatis .
1610 .
Commentariorum ac disputationum in primam partem et in primam secundæ summæ theologiæ Sancti Thomæ Aquinatis .
0 .
Conradi a Liechtenaw Chronicon cui annexa sunt paraleipomena rerum memorabilium ab anno 1230 usq[ue] ad anmum 1537 collecta .
1609 .
Copies of seven original letters from King Edward VI to Barnaby Fitz-Patrick .
1772 .
Strawberry Hill
Copies of seven original letters from King Edward VI to Barnaby Fitz-Patrick .
1772 .