Bibliographic Sources of British Armorial Bindings

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Verstegan, R. . Restitution of decayed intelligence . 1628 . London
Vico, E. . Romae ab antiquo repertum . 1561 . Rome
Vegetius Renatus, F. . Scriptores rei militaris . 1487 . Rome
Voltaire, . Select pieces . 1754 . London
Voltaire, . Siècle de Louis XIV . 1752 . London
Valentine, R. . Sonate a tre . 1707 . Rome
Varchi, B. . Storia fiorentina di messer Benedetto Varchi . 1721 . Cologne
Vitruvius Pollio, . The architecture of M. Vitruvius Pollio [tr. W. Newton] . 1791 . London
Voltaire, . Théatre de Voltaire . 1809 . Paris
Vossius, G.J. . Theses theologicæ et historicæ . 1628 . Oxford
Ventura, C. . Thesoro politico compito e diviso in IV. parti . 1612 . Frankfurt
Virgil, . Thirteene books of Aeneidos . 1607 . London
Virgil, . Thirteene books of Aeneidos . 1607 . London
Virgil, . This boke treath of the lyfe of Virgilius . 1518 . Antwerp
van Berckenrode, B.Florisz . Totius Hollandiae septentrionalis vulgo novissima tabula . 1632 . Amsterdam
Vermigli, P.M. . Tractatio de sacramento eucharistiæ . 1549 . London
Vaubon, S.L.P. de . Traité des sieges et de l’attaque des places . 1828 . Paris
Vizetelly, E.A. . True story of the Chevalier D'Eon . 1895 . London
Vasari, G. . Vies des peintres . 1841 . Paris
Virgil, . Vocabula in Vergilium annotate . 1515 . Paris
Vegio, M. . Vocabuli ex iure civili . 1477 . Vicenza
Voltaire, . Works . 1775 .
Virgil, . Works . 1821 . London
Virgil, . Works . 1698 . London
Virgil, . Works . 0 . Birmingham
Voltaire, . Works of M. de Voltaire . 1761 . London


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