Sources by Authors

Please note: Only sources with information about their authors are listed. To view all sources, please click here.
Barrow, John, Sir . 1818 . Chronological history of voyages into the Arctic regions . London
Barrow, J. . 1758 . Dictionarium polygraphicum . London
Barrow, I. . 1812 . Sermons . Oxford
Barrow, I. . 1818 . Theological works . Oxford
Barrow, John, Sir . 1806 . Travels in China . London
Barrow, John, Sir . 1806 . Travels in China . London
Barrow, John, Sir . 1806 . Voyage to Cochinchina in the years 1792 and 1793 . London
Barrow, John, Sir . 1806 . Voyage to Cochinchina, in the years 1792 and 1793 . London
Barrow, I. . 1741 . Works . London
Barrow, I. . 1741 . Works . London
Barrow, I. . 1831 . Works . London
Barry, L. . 1611 . Ram-Alley, or, Merrie tricks . London
Bartas, Gde Sallust . 1616 . Premiere sepmaine, ou Creation du monde . Rouen
Barth, K. von . 1624 . Adversariorum commentariorum libri LX . Frankfurt
Barth, K. von . 1624 . Adversariorum commentariorum libri LX . Frankfurt
Barthélemy, J.J. . 1791 . Travels of Anacharsis the Younger in Greece . London
Barthlet, J. . 1566 . Pedegrewe of heretiques . London
Bartholin, C. . 1641 . Institutiones anatomicæ . Leiden
Bartholomaeus, A. . 1495 . De proprietatibus rerum . Westminster
Bartholomaeus, A. . 1519 . De proprietatibus rerum . Nuremberg
Bartholomaeus, A. . 1535 . De proprietatibus rerum . London
Bartholomaeus, A. . 1535 . De proprietatibus rerum . London
Bartholomeus, de P. . 1590 . Liber aureus . Bologna
Bartlet, B. . 1807 . Episcopal coins of Durham . London
Bartlet, B. . 1791 . Manduessedum Romanorum . London
Bartoli, P.Santi . 1673 . Colonna Traiano . Rome
Bartoli, P.Santi . 1673 . Colonna Traiano . Rome
Bartsch, A. von . 1805 . Peintre graveur . Vienne [Paris]
Barwick, P. . 1721 . Vita Johannis Barwick . London
Barwick, P. . 1721 . Vita Johannis Barwick . London
Basil, Saint, Archbishop of Cappadocia . 1618 . Appendix ad Sancti Basilii Magni Opera Græco-Latina . Paris
Basil, Saint, Bishop of Caesarea . 1603 . Opera . Paris
Basil, Saint, Archbishop of Cappadocia . 1618 . Opera omnia, quæ reperiri potuerunt . Paris
Basil, Saint, Bishop of Caesarea . 1544 . Operum catalogum et Erasmi Roterdami præfationem vera . Basel
Basil, Aof Caesare . 1552 . Orationes in hexaëmeron . Paris
Basnage, Jacques, sieur de Beauval . 1716 . Histoire des juifs . The Hague
Basnage, Jacques, sieur de Beauval . 1716 . Histoire des juifs . The Hague
Basnage, Jacques, sieur de Beauval . 1704 . Histoire du Vieux et du Nouveau Testament . Amsterdam
Basnage, Jacques, sieur de Beauval . 1708 . History of the Jews . London
Bassantin, J. . 1599 . Astronomia . Lyon
Bassompierre, F. de . 1668 . Ambassade du mareschal de Bassompierre en Espagne l'an 1621 . Cologne
