Sources by Authors

Please note: Only sources with information about their authors are listed. To view all sources, please click here.
Gray, R.; Anderson, T. . 1869 . Birds of Ayrshire and Wigtownshire . Glasgow
Gray, H. . 1809 . Letters from Canada . London
Gray, T. . 1757 . Odes . Strawberry Hill
Gray, T. . 1757 . Odes . Strawberry Hill
Gray, T. . 1757 . Odes . Strawberry Hill
Gray, T. . 1768 . Poems . London
Gray, T. . 1775 . Poems . York
Gray, T. . 1788 . Poems . York
Gray, T. . 1887 . Poems . London
Gray, T. . 1887 . Poems . London
Gray, T. . 1894 . Poems . Eton
Gray, T. . 1894 . Poems . Eton
Gray, T. . 1894 . Poems . Eton
Gray, T. . 1894 . Poems . Eton
Gray, T. . 1894 . Poems . Eton
Gray, T. . 1902 . Poems . Eton
Gray, T. . 1902 . Poems . Eton
Gray, T. . 1902 . Poems . Eton
Gray, T. . 1902 . Poems . Eton
Gray, T. . 1902 . Poems . Eton
Gray, T. . 1902 . Poems . Eton
Gray, T. . 1902 . Poems . Eton
Gray, T. . 1907 . Poems . Eton
Gray, T. . 1778 . Poems of Mr Gray . York
Gray, T. . 1787 . Poetical works . Glasgow
Gray, T. . 1814 . Works . London
Graziani, A.Maria . 1624 . De bello cyprio libri quinque . Rome
Graziani, A.Maria . 1624 . De bello cyprio libri quinque . Rome
Great Britain, . 1677 . Act concerning the building and repairing of ships . London
Great Britain, . 1606 . Acts . London
Great Britain, . 1750 . Acts 24 George II . London
Great Britain, . 1750 . Acts 24 George II . London
Great Britain, . 1709 . Acts of Parliament of the years 1708-1709 . London
Great Britain, . 1758 . Anno regni Georgii II … tricesimo secundo . London
