Sources by Authors

Please note: Only sources with information about their authors are listed. To view all sources, please click here.
Genlis, S.F. . 1808 . Souvenirs de Felicie L***. . London
Genlis, S.F. . 1779 . Théatre à l'usage des jeunes personnes . Paris
Genlis, S.F. . 1817 . Traveller’s companion for conversation . Leipzig
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Gentili, A. . 1596 . De diversis temporum appellationibus . Wittenberg
Gentili, S. . 1604 . De donationibus inter virum, & uxorem . Hanover
Gentleman of the Army, . 1757 . System of camp-discipline, military honours, garrison-duty . London
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Geoffrey, de Vendôme, Cardinal . 1610 . Goffridi Abbatis Vindocinensis epistolæ . Paris
Geoffrey de Vinsauf, . 1724 . Poetria Galfredi Anglici [manuscript] .
Geometres, I. . 1591 . Hymnoi V. in B. Deiparam . Paris
George, of T. . 1522 . Rhetoricorum libri . Basel
George, of T. . 1472 . Rhetoricum liber primus . Venice
Georgius, S. . 1652 . Chronographia ab Adamo usque ad Diocletianum . Paris
Gerard, J. . 1597 . Herball, or Generall historie of plantes . London
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Gerard, J. . 1597 . Herball, or Generall historie of plantes . London
Gerard, J. . 1633 . Herball, or Generall historie of plantes . London
Gerard, J. . 1633 . Herball, or Generall historie of plantes . London
Gerard, J. . 1636 . Herball, or Generall historie of plantes . London
Gerbel, N. . 1550 . Pro declaratione picturæ . Basel
Gerbert, M. . 1793 . De sublimi in Evangelio Christi . Sankt Blasien
Gervaise, N. . 1699 . Vie de Saint Martin, Evêque de Tours . Tours
Gesner, K. . 1583 . Bibliotheca instituta et collecta . Zurich
Gesner, K. . 1583 . Bibliotheca instituta et collecta . Zurich
Gesner, K. . 1577 . Epistolarum medicinalium . Zurich
Gesner, K. . 1585 . Historiæ animalium liber III . Frankfurt
Gesner, K. . 1560 . Icones animalium . Zurich
Gesner, J.M. . 1749 . Novus linguæ et eruditionis Romanæ thesaurus . Leipzig
Gesner, J.M. . 1877 . Socrate et l’amour grec . Paris
Gesualdo, F. . 1592 . Plutosofia . Padua
Gevaerts, J.G. . 1619 . Electorum libri III . Paris
