Sources by Authors

Please note: Only sources with information about their authors are listed. To view all sources, please click here.
Gevaerts, J.Gaspard . 1619 . Electorum libri III . Parma
Gevaerts, J.Gaspard . 1619 . Electorum libri III . Parma
Geveren, S. à . 1578 . Of the ende of this worlde . London
Gewold, C. . 1621 . De sacr. Rom. Imperii septemviratu commentarius . Ingolstadt
Ghazzâlî, A.M. . 1506 . Logica et philosophia . Venice
Gheyn, J. de . 1607 . Exercise of armes for caliures, muskettes, and pikes . The Hague
Gheyn, J. de . 1607 . Exercise of armes for caliures, muskettes, and pikes . The Hague
Giambullari, P. . 1551 . De la lingua che si parla & scrive in Firenze . Florence
Giambullari, P. . 1566 . Historia dell’Europa . Venice
Giannone, P. . 1742 . Histoire civile du royaume de Naples . The Hague
Giannone, P. . 1762 . Istoria civile del regno di Napoli . Palmira
Gibbes, J.Alban . 1668 . Carminum pars lyrica . Rome
Gibbon, E. . 1814 . Antiquities of the House of Brunswick . London
Gibbon, E. . 1796 . Miscellaneous works . London
Gibbon, E. . 1796 . Miscellaneous works . London
Gibbon, E. . 1796 . Miscellaneous works . London
Gibbons, O. . 1612 . First set of madrigals and mottets of 5 parts . London
Gibbons, A.W. . 1898 . Notes on the Visitation of Lincolnshire 1634 . Lincoln
Gibieuf, G. . 1630 . De libertate Dei et creaturæ libri duo . Paris
Gibson, E. . 1694 . Iulii Cæsaris Portus Iccius illustratus . Oxford
Gibson, E. . 1738 . Preservative against popery . London
Gibson, E. . 1702 . Synodus Anglicana . London
Gibson, W. . 1721 . True method of dieting horses . London
Gifford, J. . 1791 . History of France . London
Gifford, J. . 1797 . Letter to the Hon. Thomas Erskine . London
Gil, A. . 1619 . Logonomia anglica . London
Gil, A. . 1619 . Logonomia Anglica . London
Gil, A. . 1632 . Parerga sive Poetici conatus . London
Gil, A. . 1635 . Sacred philosophie of the Holy Scripture . London
Gilbert, W. . 1600 . De magnete . London
Gilbert, W. . 1600 . De magnete . London
Gilbert, W. . 1600 . De magnete . London
Gilbert, W. . 1600 . De magnete . London
Gilbert, of H. . 1485 . Sermones super Cantica canticorum . Florence
Gilchrist, J.B. . 1825 . General East India guide and vade mecum . London
