Sources by Authors

Please note: Only sources with information about their authors are listed. To view all sources, please click here.
Gildas, . 1568 . De excidio & conquestu Britanniæ . London
Gildas, . 1658 . De excidio Britanniæ . London
Giles, J. . 1732 . City-liberties: or, The rights and privileges of freemen . [In the Savoy]
Giles of Rome, A. of B. . 1400 . De regimine principum .
Gill, J. . 1764 . Declaration of faith and practice . London
Gilles, P. . 1632 . De Bosporo Thracio lib. III . Leiden
Gilpin, W. . 1768 . Essay upon prints . London
Gilpin, W. . 1782 . Observations on the River Wye . London
Gilpin, W. . 1789 . Observations on the River Wye . London
Giorgini, G. . 1596 . Mondo nuouo . Jesi
Giovio, P. . 1564 . Delle istorie . Venice
Giovio, P. . 1564 . Delle istorie, 2a parte . Venice
Giovio, P. . 1551 . Elogia virorum bellica virtute illustrium . Florence
Giovio, P. . 1577 . Elogia virorum literis illustrium . Basel
Giovio, P. . 1550 . Historiarum sui temporis . Florence
Giovio, P. . 1555 . Historiarum sui temporis . [S.l.]
Giovio, P. . 1578 . Opera quotquot extant omnia . Basel
Giovio, P. . 1559 . Pauli Iovii descriptio Larii lacus . Venice
Giraldi, G.C. . 1565 . De gli hecatommithi . Monte Regale
Giraldi, G.C. . 1557 . Dell'Hercole . Modena
Giraldi, G.C. . 1574 . Hecatommithi, overo Cento novella . Venice
Giraldi, L.G. . 1580 . Opera . Basel
Giraldus, C. . 0 . Topographia Hibernica .
Girardin, E. de . 1832 . Lorgnon . Paris
Girdlestone, C. . 1838 . Sermon on I Peter ii, 10, 11. . Macclesfield
Girdlestone, C. . 1838 . Sermon on I Peter ii, 10, 11. . Macclesfield
Giustiniani, L. . 1474 . Deuotissime et sanctissime laude . Venice
Giustiniani, P. . 1610 . Rerum Venetarum . Strasbourg
Giustiniani, P. . 1610 . Rerum Venetarum . Strasbourg
Giustiniani, P. . 1576 . Rerum Venetarum ab urbe condita ad annum MDLXXV . Venice
Giustiniano, B. . 1621 . Breve trattato delle continuationi de’ cambi . Genoa
Giustiniano, B. . 1621 . Breve trattato delle continuationi de’ cambi . Mondovi
Glandorp, J. . 1589 . Onomasticon historiæ Romanæ . Frankfurt
Glanville, R. de . 1673 . Tractatus de legibus & consuetudinibus regni Angliæ . London
