Sources by Authors

Please note: Only sources with information about their authors are listed. To view all sources, please click here.
Khunrath, H. . 1609 . Amphitheatrum sapientiæ æternæ solius veræ . Hanau
Kidd, J. . 1809 . Outlines of mineralogy . Oxford
Kidder, R. . 1726 . Demonstration of the Messias . London
Kilburne, R. . 1659 . Topographie, or Survey of the county of Kent . London
Kilburne, R. . 1659 . Topographie, or Survey of the county of Kent . London
Killigrew, T. . 1664 . Comedies and tragedies . London
Killigrew, T. . 1664 . Comedies and tragedies . London
Killigrew, T. . 1664 . Comedies and tragedies . London
Killigrew, T. . 1664 . Comedies and tragedies . London
Killigrew, T. . 1664 . Comedies and tragedies . London
Killigrew, T. . 1664 . Comedies and tragedies . London
Killigrew, T. . 1664 . Comedies and tragedies . London
Killigrew, T. . 1664 . Comedies and tragedies . London
Killigrew, T. . 1664 . Comedies and tragedies . London
Killigrew, T. . 1720 . Miscellanea aurea, or, The golden medley . London
Killigrew, T. . 1720 . Miscellanea aurea, or, The golden medley . London
Kimber, E.; J. . 1771 . Baronetage of England . London
King, E. . 1830 . Antiquities of Mexico . London
King, D. . 1656 . Arden, the vale royal of England . London
King, D. . 1656 . Arden, the vale-royall of England . London
King, W. . 1702 . De origine mali . London
King, W. . 1731 . Essay on the origin of evil. . London
King, R.John . 1869 . Handbook to the cathedrals of England . London
King, L. . 1829 . Life of John Locke . London
King, L. . 1829 . Life of John Locke . London
King, W. . 1709 . Miscellanies in prose and verse . London
King, D. . 1656 . Vale-royall of England . London
King, D. . 1656 . Vale-royall of England . London
Kingsley, C. . 1863 . Gospel of the Pentateuch . London
Kingsley, C. . 1863 . Gospel of the Pentateuch . London
Kingsley, C. . 1863 . Gospel of the Pentateuch . London
Kingsley, C. . 1855 . Sermons for the times . London
Kingsley, C. . 1855 . Sermons for the times . London
Kingsley, C. . 1855 . Sermons for the times . London
Kinnamos, I. . 1670 . Historiarum libri sex . Paris
Kinnamos, I. . 1670 . Historiarum libri sex . Paris
Kip, J. . 1714 . Britannia illustrata . London
Kipling, R. . 1888 . Plain tales from the hills . Calcutta
Kipling, R. . 0 . Song of the women .
Kircher, A. . 1646 . Ars magna lucis et umbræ . Rome
