Sources by Authors
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Liverpool Art Club, .
1879 .
Catalogue of the loan collection of works of Josiah Wedgwood .
Livy, .
1580 .
La troisieme [-quatriesme] decade de Tite-Live, mise cy deuant en Francois par Iehan Hamelin de Sarlat .
Lloyd, L. .
1590 .
Consent of time, disciphering the errors of the Grecians in their Olympiads .
Lloyd, C. .
1825 .
Formularies of faith put forth by authority during the reign of Henry VIII. [ed. C. Lloyd] .
Lloyd, L. .
1620 .
Order solemnitie and pompe, of the feates, sacrifices, vowes, games, and triumphes .
Lobkowitz, J.Caramuel .
1639 .
Philippus Prudens Caroli V Imp. Filius Lusitaniae, Algarbiae, Idiae, Brasiliae legitimus Rex demonstratus .