Sources by Authors

Please note: Only sources with information about their authors are listed. To view all sources, please click here.
Lopes, D. . 1597 . Report of the Kingdome of Congo . London
Lopes, D. . 1598 . Vera descriptio regni Africani . Frankfurt
López de Gómara, F. . 1569 . Histoire generalle des Indes occidentales & terres neuves . Paris
Lords, I.Parliament . 1798 . Report from the Committee of Secrecy of the House of Lords . Dublin
Loredano, G.F. . 1681 . Ascents of the soul . London
Loredano, G.F. . 1681 . Ascents of the soul . London
Loredano, G.F. . 1681 . Ascents of the soul . London
Loredano, G.F. . 1681 . Ascents of the soul . London
Loredano, G.F. . 1681 . Ascents of the soul . London
Loredano, G.F. . 1681 . Ascents of the soul . London
Lorini, B. . 1597 . Delle fortificationi . Venice
Loryot, F. . 1614 . Fleurs des secretz moraux . Paris
Loryot, F. . 1614 . Fleurs des secretz moraux . Paris
Loryot, F. . 1614 . Fleurs des secretz moraux . Paris
Loryot, F. . 1614 . Secretz moraux . Paris
Loryot, F. . 1614 . Secretz moraux . Paris
Losa, F. de . 1618 . Vida que hizo el siervo de Dios Gregorio Lopez . Seville
Losa, F. de . 1618 . Vida que hizo el siervo de Dios Gregorio Lopez . Seville
Loudon, J.Claudius . 1831 . Encyclopaedia of agriculture . London
Loudon, J.Claudius . 1830 . Hortus Britannicus . London
Love, J. . 1715 . Geodæsia, or, The art of surveying . London
Lovelace, R. . 1817 . Lucasta . Chiswick
Lovelace, R. . 1817 . Lucasta . Chiswick
Lovibond, E. . 1785 . Poems on several occasions . London
Lowe, P. . 1597 . Whole course of chirurgie . London
Lower, M.A. . 1845 . Curiosities of heraldry . London
Lower, M.A. . 1849 . English surnames . London
Lowick, T. . 1634 . Life and martirdome of St George . London
Lowndes, W.T. . 1834 . Bibliographer’s manual of English literature . London
Lowth, R. . 1775 . De sacra poesi Hebraeorum . Oxford
Loyseau, C. . 1610 . Cinq livres du droit des offices . Chateaudun
Loyseau, C. . 1610 . Cinq livres du droit des offices . Chateaudun
