Sources by Authors

Please note: Only sources with information about their authors are listed. To view all sources, please click here.
Luard, J. . 1838 . Views in India Saint Helena and Car Nicobar . London
Lubbertus, S. . 1608 . De principiis dogmatum . Franeker
Lucan, . 1552 . De bello civili . Frankfurt
Lucan, . 1552 . De bello civili . Frankfurt
Lucan, . 1498 . Lucanus cum duobus commentis . Venice
Lucan, . 1499 . Lucanus cum duobus commentis . Venice
Lucan, . 1477 . Pharsalia . Venice
Lucan, . 1760 . Pharsalia . Strawberry Hill
Lucan, . 1760 . Pharsalia . Strawberry-Hill
Lucan, . 1760 . Pharsalia [notes by Hugo Grotius & Richard Bentley] . Strawberry Hill
Lucan, . 1760 . Pharsalia [notes by Hugo Grotius & Richard Bentley] . Strawberry Hill
Lucan, . 1760 . Pharsalia [notes by Hugo Grotius & Richard Bentley] . Strawberry Hill
Lucan, . 1760 . Pharsalia [notes by Hugo Grotius & Richard Bentley] . Strawberry Hill
Lucan, . 1760 . Pharsalia [notes by Hugo Grotius & Richard Bentley] . Strawberry-Hill
Lucan, M.Annaeus . 1877 . Pharsalia [tr. C.E. Haskins]. . London
Lucan, . 1506 . Pharsalia, cum duplici explanatione . Paris
Lucan, . 1631 . Pharsalia, or The civill warres of Rome . London
Lucan, A. . 1728 . Pharsalia, sive, Belli civilis libri decem . Leiden
Lucan, A. . 1728 . Pharsalia, sive, Belli civilis libri decem . Leiden
Lucan, . 1574 . Pharsaliæ libri X . Basel
Lucan, . 1578 . Pharsaliæ libri X . Basel
Lucas, R. . 1692 . Enquiry after happiness, in several parts . London
Lucas, R. . 1700 . Practical Christianity . London
Lucian, of S. . 1551 . Dialoghi piacevoli . Venice
Lucian, of S. . 1542 . Dialogi .
Lucian, of S. . 1496 . Dialogoi . Florence
Lucian, of S. . 1709 . Lucien, de la traduction de N. Perrot, sr d'Ablancourt . Amsterdam
Lucian, of S. . 1619 . Opera . Saumur
Lucian, of S. . 1743 . Opera . Amsterdam
Lucian, of S. . 1743 . Opera . Amsterdam
Lucian, of S. . 1615 . Opera omnia . Paris
Lucian, of S. . 1503 . Works . Venice
Lucian, of S. . 1710 . Works of Lucian [tr. John Dryden] . London
Lucian, of S. . 1710 . Works of Lucian [tr. John Dryden] . London
Lucian, of S. . 1711 . Works of Lucian [tr. John Dryden] . London
Lucian, of S. . 1711 . Works of Lucian [tr. John Dryden] . London
Lucian, of S. . 1711 . Works of Lucian [tr. John Dryden] . London
Lucian, of S. . 1711 . Works of Lucian [tr. John Dryden] . London
Lucian, S. . 1655 . Works [in French] . Paris
Lucilius, G. . 1597 . Satyrarum quæ supersunt reliquiæ . Leiden
Lucilius, G. . 1735 . Satyrographorum principis . Padua
Lucilius, G. . 1735 . Satyrographorum principis . Padua
Lucio, G. . 1668 . De regno Dalmatiæ et Croatiæ libri sex . Amsterdam
