Sources by Authors
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Lambecius, P. .
1665 .
Commentariarum de augustissima bibliotheca Cæsarea Vindobonensi liber primus .
Lambecius, P. .
1670 .
Commentariarum de augustissima bibliotheca Cæsarea Vindobonensi liber tertius .
Lambertinus, J.B. .
1628 .
Theatrum regium, sive Regum Hispaniæ serie et compendiosa narratio .
Lambeth Palace Library, .
1812 .
Catalogue of the archiepiscopal manuscripts in the library at Lambeth Palace. .
Landseer, J. .
1823 .
Sabæan researches, in a series of essays, addressed to distinguished antiquaries .