Sources by Authors
Please note: Only sources with information about their authors are listed. To view all sources, please click here.
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Laws, G.Britain. .
1660 .
Anno regni Caroli II regis Angliae, Scotia, Franciae, e Hiberniae, duodecimo .
Laws., I. .
1636 .
At the Parliament begun and holden at Dublin, the fourteenth day of July [1635] .
Lawson, J.Parker .
1829 .
History of remarkable conspiracies connected with European history .
Lazius, W. .
1557 .
De gentium aliquot migrationibus, sedibus fixis, reliquiis, linguarúmque initiis et immutationibus ac dialectis, libri XII .
Le Comte, F. .
1702 .
Cabinet des singularitez d’architecture, peinture, sculpture et graveure .
Le Comte, L. .
1737 .
Memoirs and remarks geographical, historical, topographical, physical, natural, astronomical, mechanical, military, mercantile, political, and ecclesiastical, made in above ten years travel through the Empire of China .
Le Féron, J. .
1628 .
Armoiries des connestables, grands maistres, chanceliers, admiraux, mareschaux de France & prevosts de Paris .
Le Féron, J. .
1598 .
Catalogue des noms, surnoms, faits et vies des connestables, chanceliers, grands maistres, admiraux et mareschaux de France, ensemble des prevosts de Paris .
Le Féron, J. .
1598 .
Catalogue ds noms, surnoms, faits et vies, des connestables, chanceliers, grande maistres, admiraux, et mareschaux de France .
Le Neve, J. .
1720 .
Lives and characters, deaths, burials, and epitaphs, works of piety, charity, and other munificent benefactions of all the Protestant bishops of the Church of England .
Le Roux, P.J. .
1718 .
Dictionaire comique, satyrique, critique, burlesque, libre & proverbial .