Sources by Authors

Please note: Only sources with information about their authors are listed. To view all sources, please click here.
Le Sage, A.R. . 1795 . Histoire de Gil Blas de Santillane . Paris
Le Sage, A.R. . 1801 . Histoire de Gil Blas se Santillane . Paris
Le Vasseur, J. . 1633 . Annales de l’eglise cathedrale de Noyon . Paris
Leake, S.M. . 1745 . Historical account of English money . London
Leake, S.M. . 1745 . Historical account of English money . London
Leake, S.M. . 1745 . Historical account of English money . London
Leake, W.Martin . 1814 . Researches in Greece . London
Leake, J. . 1733 . Scholar’s manual . London
Leake, W.Martin . 1821 . Topography of Athens . London
Leake, W.Martin . 1830 . Travels in the Morea . London
Lebeau, S. . 1799 . Nouveau code des prises . Paris
Lebey de Batilly, D. . 1596 . Emblemata . Frankfurt
Leblanc, V. . 1660 . World surveyed . London
Leblanc, V. . 1660 . World surveyed . London
Leclercq, M.T. . 1800 . Chateau de Duncam . Paris
Leclercq, M.T. . 1800 . Chateau de Duncam . Paris
Lediard, T. . 1736 . Life of John, Duke of Marlborough . London
Ledwich, E. . 1771 . Antiquitates Sarisburienses . Salisbury
Ledwich, E. . 1771 . Antiquitates Sarisburiensis . Salisbury
Ledwich, E. . 1790 . Antiquities of Ireland . Dublin
Lee, E. . 1520 . Apologia contra quorundam calumnias . Paris
Lee, H. . 1828 . Kruitzner, or, The Germans tale . London
Leeds, P.O. . 1710 . Copies and extracts of some letters . London
Lefanu, A. . 1816 . Strathalan . London
Lefèvre, R. . 1477 . Boke of histories of Jason . Westminster
Lefèvre, R. . 1670 . Destruction of Troy . London
Lefèvre d’Etaples, J. . 1506 . Artificialis introductio in decem libros Ethicorum Aristotelis . Paris
Lefèvre d’Etaples, J. . 1510 . Epitome introductio in libros Arithmeticos divi Severini Boetii . Paris
Legh, G. . 1572 . Accedens of armory . London
Legh, G. . 1576 . Accedens of armory . London
Legh, G. . 1576 . Accedens of armory . London
Legrand, J. . 1470 . Sophologium . Strasbourg
Leibniz, G.W. . 1717 . Collectanea etymologica . Hannover
