Sources by Authors

Please note: Only sources with information about their authors are listed. To view all sources, please click here.
Leigh, E. . 1660 . Critici sacri . London
Leland, J. . 1709 . Commentarii de scriptoribus Britannicis . Oxford
Leland, J. . 1709 . Commentarii de scriptoribus Britannicis . Oxford
Leland, J. . 1715 . De rebus Britannicis collectanea . Oxford
Leland, J. . 1770 . De rebus Britannicus collectanea . London
Leland, T. . 1773 . History of Ireland . London
Leland, T. . 1773 . History of Ireland . London
Leland, J. . 1711 . Itinerary, of John Leland the antiquary . Oxford
Leland, J. . 1745 . Itinerary, of John Leland the antiquary . Oxford
Leland, J. . 1582 . Learned and true assertation . London
Lelarge de Lignac, J.A. . 1751 . Lettres à une americain sur l’histoire naturelle . Hamburg
Lelieur, J.Baptiste . 0 . Pomone françoise . Paris
Lemaire de Belges, J. . 1549 . Illustrations de Gaule et singularitez de Troye . Lyon
Lemnius, L. . 1611 . De miraculis occultis naturæ libri IIII . Frankfurt
Lemnius, L. . 1658 . Secret miracles of nature . London
Lemnius, L. . 1658 . Secret miracles of nature . London
Lémontey, P.É. . 1832 . Histoire de la régence et de la minorité de Louis XV . Paris
Lempriare, J. . 1804 . Classical dictionary . London
Lempriare, J. . 1804 . Classical dictionary . London
Lemprière, J. . 1808 . Universal biography . London
Lenclos, N. de . 1751 . Letters of Ninon de Lenclos to Marquis de Sévigné. . London
Lenfant, J. . 1714 . Histoire du Concile de Constance . Amsterdam
Lenglet Dufresnoy, N. . 1728 . New method of studying history [tr. R. Rawlinson] . London
Lenglet Dufresnoy, N. . 1728 . New method of studying history [tr. R. Rawlinson] . London
Lenglet Dufresnoy, N. . 1728 . New method of studying history [tr. R. Rawlinson] . London
Lennox, C. . 1791 . Hermione, or The orphan sisters . London
Leo I, P. . 1569 . Opera omnia . Cologne
Leo I, P. . 1622 . Opera omnia . Lyon
Leo I, P. . 1623 . Opera omnia . Paris
Leo I, P. . 1482 . Sermones . Venice
León, H. . 1558 . Dialoghi di amore . Venice
León, H. . 1559 . Philosophie d'amour . Lyon
León, H. . 1559 . Philosophie d'amour . Lyon
Leonard, of C. . 1832 . De capta a Mehemethe II Constantinopoli . Paris
Leonardo, da V. . 1730 . Della pittura . Paris
