Sources by Authors
Please note: Only sources with information about their authors are listed. To view all sources, please click here.
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Leyser, P. .
1641 .
Harmoniæ euangelicæ, a præstantiss. theol. D. M. Chemnitio primum inchoatæ .
Leyser, P. .
1641 .
Harmoniæ euangelicæ, a præstantiss. theol. D. M. Chemnitio primum inchoatæ .
Library, N.Central .
1933 .
A description of the new building presented by the Carnegie United Kingdom Trust .
Library, B.Museum. Ki .
1829 .
Catalogue of maps, prints and drawings forming the geographical and topographical collection of King George III .
Library, N.Central .
1933 .
Description of the new building presented by the Carnegie United Kingdom Trust .
Libri, G. .
1862 .
Monuments inédits, ou peu connus, faisant partie du cabinet de G. Libri. .
Lindeberg, P. .
1591 .
Commentarii rerum memorabilium in Europa ab anno octua gesimo sexto .
Linge, K. .
1819 .
Quæstionum Plautinarum liber primus, sive De hiatu in versibus Plautinus .