Sources by Authors
Please note: Only sources with information about their authors are listed. To view all sources, please click here.
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S.T., .
1683 .
Historical account of the heroick life and magnanimous actions of the most illustrious Protestant Prince, James, Duke of Monmouth .
Sá, M. de .
1598 .
Notationes in totam Scripturam Sacram, quibus omnia ferè loca difficila, breuissimè explicantur .
Sá, M. de .
1598 .
Notationes in totam Scripturam Sacram, quibus omnia ferè loca difficila, breuissimè explicantur .
Sá, M. de .
1602 .
Scholia in quatuor Evangelia ex selectis doctorum sacrorum Sententijs collecta .
Saint German, C. .
1580 .
Dialoges in English, betwene a doctor of divinity and a student in the lawes of England .
Saint German, C. .
1604 .
Dialogue in English, betweene a doctor in divinity, and a student in the lawes of England .
Saint Leger, T. .
1633 .
Honors and virtues: monument erected in perpetuall and noble remembrance of the Right Honourable and high borne lady, the Lady Elizabeth Countesse of Huntingdon .
Saint-Elme, E. .
1828 .
Memoires d’une contemporaine, ou, Souvenirs d’une femme sur les principaux personnages de la république .
Sainte-Marthe, C. de .
1665 .
Apologie pour les religieuses de Port Royal du Saint Sacrement .
Sainte-Marthe, S. de .
1605 .
Lucubrationum pars altera quæ continentur Gallorum doctrina illustrium elogia .