Sources by Authors
Please note: Only sources with information about their authors are listed. To view all sources, please click here.
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Seppens, R. .
1664 .
Rex theologus, the preachers guard and guide in his double duty of prayer and preaching .
Serarius, N. .
1599 .
In sacros divinorum Bibliorum libros, Tobiam, Ivdith, Esther, Machabaeos, commentarius .
Serres, J. de .
1598 .
Historical collection of the most memorable accidents and tragicall massacres of France .
Serres, J. de .
1598 .
Historical collection of the most memorable accidents, and tragicall massacres of France .
Servin, L. .
1663 .
Recueil de diverses pieces servant a l'histoire de Henry III, roy de France et de Pologne .
Servin, L. .
1663 .
Recueil de diverses pieces servant a l'histoire de Henry III, roy de France et de Pologne .
Settle, D. .
1580 .
De Martini Forbisseri Angli navigatione in regiones occidentis et septentrionis narratio historica [tr. Johannes Thomas Freig]. .
Settle, D. .
1577 .
True reporte of the laste voyage into the west and northwest regions, &c. 1577. worthily atchieued by Capteine Frobisher .
Severinus, A. .
1572 .
De ritibus baptismi, et sacræ synaxis apud Syros Christianos receptis liber .