Sources by Authors
Please note: Only sources with information about their authors are listed. To view all sources, please click here.
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Shakespeare, W. .
1619 .
Whole contention betweene the two famous houses Lancaster and Yorke .
Shakespeare, W. .
1600 .
Whole contention betweene the two famous houses, Lancaster and York .
Sharpe, G. .
1755 .
Argument in defence of Christianity, from the concessions of the most antient adversaries .
Sharpe, G. .
1762 .
Second Argument in defence of Christianity, taken from the antient prophecies .
Sharpe, G. .
1762 .
Second Argument in defence of Christianity, taken from the antient prophecies .
Sheldon, R. .
1616 .
Survey of the miracles of the Church of Rome, proving them to be antichristian .
Shelley, P.B. .
1821 .
Epipsychidion: verses addressed to the noble and unfortunate Lady Emilia V --- .
Shelley, P.B. .
1817 .
History of a six weeks tour through a part of France, Switzerland, Germany, and Holland .
Sheppard, W. .
1656 .
Epitome of all the common & statutes laws of this nation now in force .
Sherwell, J.W. .
1889 .
Descriptive and historical account of the Guild of Saddlers of the City of London .
Shirley, E.P. .
1872 .
Catalogue of the library at Lough Fea, in illustration of the history and antiquities of Ireland .
Shirley, E.P. .
1845 .
Some account of the territory or dominion of Farney in the province and earldom of Ulster .