Sources by Authors

Please note: Only sources with information about their authors are listed. To view all sources, please click here.
Sanchez, G. . 1625 . In librum Iob commentarii . Lyon
Sánchez, P. . 1595 . Triangulo de la tres virtudes . Toledo
Sánchez de Arévalo, R. . 1475 . Speculum vitæ humanæ . Strasbourg
Sánchez de las Brozas, F. . 1573 . Comment. in And. Alciati emblemata . Lyon
Sánchez de las Brozas, F. . 1754 . Minerva, seu De causis linguæ Latinæ commentarius . Amsterdam
Sandby, P. . 1777 . Collection of landscapes . London
Sander, N. . 1592 . De visibili monarchia ecclesiæ libri VIII . Würzburg
Sander, N. . 1628 . Vera et sincera historia schismatis Anglicani . Cologne
Sanders, H. . 1794 . History of Shenstone in the county of Stafford . London
Sanderson, J. . 1602 . Institutionum dialecticarum libri quatuor . Oxford
Sanderson, R. . 1664 . XIV. sermons . London
Sanderson, R. . 1674 . XXXIV sermons . London
Sanderson, R. . 1674 . XXXIV sermons . London
Sanderson, R. . 1681 . XXXV sermons . London
Sanderson, R. . 1689 . XXXVI sermons . London
Sandford, F. . 1677 . A genealogical history of the kings of England . London
Sandford, F. . 1677 . Genealogical history of the kings of England . London
Sandolini, C. . 1598 . Thaumalemma cherubicum . Venice
Sandolini, C. . 1598 . Thaumalemma cherubicum . Venice
Sandoval, P. de . 1652 . Civil wars of Spain . London
Sandoval, P. de . 1652 . Civil wars of Spain [tr. J. Howell] .
