Sources by Authors

Please note: Only sources with information about their authors are listed. To view all sources, please click here.
Stephen, J. . 1851 . Lectures on the history of France . London
Sterne, L. . 1768 . Sentimental journey through France and Italy . London
Sterne, L. . 1774 . Sentimental journey through France and Italy . London
Sterne, L. . 1760 . Sermons of Mr. Yorick . London
Sterne, L. . 1780 . Works . Dublin
Steuart, H. . 1828 . Planter's guide . Edinburgh
Steuart, S. . 1828 . Planter’s guide . Edinburgh
Steuco, A. . 1542 . De perenni philosophia, libri decem . Basel
Steuco, A. . 1578 . De perenni philosophia, libri decem . Paris
Steuco, A. . 1578 . De perenni philosophia, libri decem . Paris
Steuco, A. . 1578 . Opera . Paris
Stevens, J. . 1726 . New dictionary, Spanish and English . London
Stevenson, R.L. . 1890 . Ballads . London
Stevenson, R.L. . 1911 . Lay morals and other papers . London
Stevenson, J. . 0 . Selection of melodies . London
Stevenson, R.L. . 1879 . Travels with a donkey in the Cevennes . London
Stevin, S. . 1608 . Memoires mathematiques . Leiden
Stewart, J. . 1823 . Collections and recollections . Edinburgh
Stewart, D. . 1802 . Elements of the philosophy of the human mind . London
Stewart, D. . 1833 . Elements of the philosophy of the human mind . Cambridge
Stillingfleet, E. . 1687 . Mischief of separation. . London
Stillingfleet, E. . 1702 . Origines sacræ . Cambridge
Stirling, W.A. . 1604 . Aurora . London
Stirling-Maxwell, W. . 1848 . Annals of the artists of Spain . London
Stirling-Maxwell, W. . 1853 . Cloister life of the Emperor Charles the Fifth . London
Stobæus, . 1536 . Collectiones sententiarum . Venice
Stobæus, J. . 1623 . Dicta poetarum . Paris
Stobæus, . 1822 . Florilegium . Oxford
Stockau, Jvon Sandra . 1680 . Iconologia deorum . Nuremberg
Stone, E. . 1743 . New mathematical dictionary . London
Stonecastle, H. . 1756 . Universal spectator . London
Storer, A.M. . 1700 . Aedes Walpoliana .
Storer, J. . 1804 . Cowper, illustrated by a series of views . London
