Sources by Authors
Please note: Only sources with information about their authors are listed. To view all sources, please click here.
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | All
Sweet, J. .
1617 .
Monsigr. fate voi, or, A discovery of the Dalmatian apostata, M. Antonius de Dominis .
St Omer
Swift, J. .
1738 .
Complete collection of genteel and ingenious conversation, according to the most polite mode and method now used at court, and in the best companies of England .
Swift, J. .
1766 .
Letters written by the late Jonathan Swift … and several of his friends from the year 1703 to 1740 [ed. J. Hawkesworth] .
Sydenham, B. .
1799 .
Military journal of the operations of the army under the command of His Excellency Lieut.-General Harris from the 6th Feby. to the 4th of May 1799 .
Sylvius, A.C. .
1603 .
Commentarius ad leges tam regias, quam XII. tabularum mores, et canones, Romani iuris antiqui .
Sylvius, A.C. .
1603 .
Commentarius ad leges tam regias, quam XII. tabularum mores, et canones, Romani iuris antiqui … .
Symes, M. .
1800 .
Account of an embassy to the Kingdom of Ava sent by the Governor General of India in the year 1795 .
Synesius, of C. .
1612 .
Συνεσιου επισκοπου Κυρηνες απαντα τα ευρισκομενα = Opera quæ extant omnia .
Synesius, of C. .
1612 .
Συνεσιου επισκοπου Κυρηνες απαντα τα ευρισκομενα = Synesii Episcopi Cyrenes Opera quæ extant omnia .
Synod of Dort (1618-1619), .
1620 .
Acta et scripta synodalia Dordracena ministrorum Remonstrantium in Foederato Belgio .