Sources by Authors

Please note: Only sources with information about their authors are listed. To view all sources, please click here.
Survey, O. . 0 . Ordnance map of Essex . S.l.
Survey, O. . 1801 . Ordnance map of Kent . S.l.
Survey, O. . 0 . Ordnance maps . S.l.
Survey, O. . 1833 . Ten boxes of Ordnance Survey maps . S.l.
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Sutcliffe, M. . 1593 . Practice, proceedings, and lawes of armes . London
Sutherland, E.L.G. . 1807 . Views in Orkney and on the north-eastern coast of Scotland . London
Sweerts, P.F. . 1612 . Selectæ Christiani orbis deliciæ . Cologne
Sweet, R. . 1831 . Hot-house and greenhouse manual . London
Sweet, R. . 1830 . Sweet’s Hortus Britannicus . London
Swift, J. . 1705 . Tale of a tub . London
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Swift, J. . 1841 . Works . London
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Swinburne, A.C. . 1865 . Atalanta in Calydon. . London
Swinburne, H. . 1635 . Briefe treatise of testaments and last wills . London
Swinburne, H. . 1783 . Travels in the two Sicilies . London
Swinburne, H. . 1783 . Travels in the two Sicilies . London
Swinburne, H. . 1783 . Travels in the two Sicilies . London
Swinburne, H. . 1790 . Travels in the two Sicilies . London
Swinburne, H. . 1779 . Travels through Spain, in the years 1775 and 1776 . London
Swinburne, H. . 1779 . Travels through Spain, in the years 1775 and 1776 . London
Swinden, N. . 1778 . Beauties of flora display’d . London
Swinhoe, G. . 1658 . Tragedy of the unhappy fair Irene . London
Swinnock, G. . 1665 . Works . London
Switzer, S. . 1733 . Practical husbandman and planter . London
Sykes, J. . 1824 . Local records . Newcastle
Sylburg, F. . 1688 . Historiæ Romanæ scriptores Latini minores . Frankfurt
Sylburg, F. . 1590 . Romanæ historiæ scriptores Græci minores . Frankfurt
Sylburg, F. . 1590 . Romanæ historiæ scriptores Græci minores. . Frankfurt
Symson, A. . 1823 . Large description of Galloway . Edinburgh
Symson, A. . 1823 . Large description of Galloway . Edinburgh
Synesius, of C. . 1553 . De regno ad Arcadium imperatorem . Paris
Synge, E. . 1705 . Gentleman’s religion . London
Synge, E. . 1724 . Religion de S. Paul . Geneva
Synge, E. . 1724 . Religion de S. Paul . Geneva
Syropoulos, S. . 1660 . Vera historia unionis non veræ inter Græcos et Latinos . The Hague
