Sources by Authors

Please note: Only sources with information about their authors are listed. To view all sources, please click here.
Sarpi, P. . 1620 . Historie of the Councel of Trent . London
Sarpi, P. . 1620 . Historie of the Councel of Trent . London
Sarpi, P. . 1620 . Historie of the Councel of Trent . London
Sarpi, P. . 1620 . Historie of the Councel of Trent . London
Sarpi, P. . 1629 . Historie of the Councel of Trent . London
Sarpi, P. . 1629 . Historie of the Councel of Trent . London
Sarpi, P. . 1640 . Historie of the Councel of Trent . London
Sarpi, P. . 1620 . Historiæ Concilii Tridenti libri octo . London
Sartory, M. de . 1817 . Mademoiselle de Lunes . Paris
Sassi, C. . 1803 . Onomastici literarii mantissa recentior . Utrecht
Sassi, C. . 1803 . Onomastici literarii mantissa recentior . Utrecht
Sassi, C. . 1803 . Onomastici literarii mantissa recentior . Utrecht
Sassoon, S. . 1930 . Memoirs of an infantry officer . London
Sauer, L. . 1617 . Vitae sanctorum . Cologne
Saumaise, C. . 1641 . De episcopis et presbyteris . Leiden
Saumaise, C. . 1649 . Defensio regia pro Carolo I. . Leiden?
Saumaise, C. . 1640 . Dissertatio de foenore trapezitico . London
Saumaise, C. . 1656 . Epistolarum liber primus . Leiden
Saunders, P. . 1752 . Life of Patty Saunders. . London
Saunders, R. . 1671 . Physiognomie, and chiromancie . London
Saunders, R. . 1671 . Physiognomie, and chiromancie . London
Saunders, R. . 1671 . Physiognomie, and chiromancie . London
Saunderson, N. . 1740 . Elements of algebra, in ten books . Cambridge
Saurin, B.J. . 1768 . Béverlei, tragedie bourgeoise . Vienna
Saurin, B.J. . 1768 . Béverlei, tragedie bourgeoise . Vienne
Savage, J. . 1830 . History of the Hundred of Carhampton . Bristol
Savage, J. . 1703 . Select collection of letters of the antients . London
Savage, R. . 1729 . Wanderer . London
Savaron, J. . 1610 . Traicte contre les duels . Paris
Savary des Brûlons, J. . 1726 . Dictionnaire universel de commerce . Amsterdam
Savary des Brûlons, J. . 1717 . Parfait negociant . Amsterdam
Savonarola, G. . 1496 . Prediche . Florence
Savonarola, G. . 1544 . Prediche quadragesimale . Venice
