Sources by Authors
Please note: Only sources with information about their authors are listed. To view all sources, please click here.
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | All
Scudamore, C. .
1820 .
Chemical and medical report of the properties of the mineral waters of Buxton, Matlock .
Scudamore, C. .
1820 .
Chemical and medical report of the properties of the mineral waters of Buxton, Matlock .
Scudéry, G. de .
1673 .
Curia politiae, or, The apologies of several princes justifying to the world their most eminent actions .
Scudéry, G. de .
1673 .
Curia politiae, or, The apologies of several princes justifying to the world their most eminent actions .
Scudéry, G. de .
1654 .
Curia politiæ, or, The apologies of severall princes justifying to the world their most eminent actions .
Segar, S. .
1712 .
Honores Anglicanum, or, Titles of honour the temporal nobility of the English nation .
Segar, S. .
1712 .
Honores Anglicanum, or, Titles of honour the temporal nobility of the English nation .
Selden, J. .
1631 .
De successionibus in bona defuncti, ad leges Ebræorum, liber singularis .
Selden, J. .
1636 .
De successionibus in bona defuncti, ad leges Ebræorum, liber singularis .
Selden, J. .
1636 .
De successionibus in bona defuncti, ad leges Ebræorum, liber singularis .
Selden, J. .
1739 .
Historical and political discourse of the laws and government of England .