Sources by Authors

Please note: Only sources with information about their authors are listed. To view all sources, please click here.
Scrope, W. . 1847 . Days of deer-stalking in the Forest of Atholl . London
Scudéry, M. de . 1678 . Clelia, an excellent new romance . London
Scudéry, M. de . 1678 . Clelia, an excellent new romance . London
Scudéry, M. de . 1674 . Ibrahim, or, The illustrious Basse . London
Scultetus, A. . 1625 . De curriculo vitæ . Emden
Scultetus, A. . 1613 . Medullæ theologiæ patrum . Hamburg
Sebisch, M. . 1627 . Dissertationum de acidulis . Strasbourg
Secundus, R. . 1837 . The prison-house unmasked . London
Sedley, C.S. . 1776 . Works . London
Sedziwoj, M. . 1608 . Nouum lumen chymicum . Paris
Seeker, T. . 1770 . Sermons on several subjects [ed. B. Porteus] . London
Seeley, R.B. . 1840 . Essays on the Church . London
Seeley, R.B. . 1840 . Essays on the Church . London
Seeley, R.B. . 1840 . Essays on the Church . London
Segar, W. . 1602 . Honor military, and civill . London
Segar, W. . 1602 . Honor military, and civill . London
Segar, W. . 1602 . Honor military, and civill . London
Segar, W. . 1602 . Honor military, and civill . London
Segar, W. . 1602 . Honor military, and civill . London
Segoing, C. . 1654 . Armorial universel . Paris
Ségur, A.J.P. . 1802 . Comédies proverbes et chansons . Paris
Ségur, P.P. . 1825 . Histoire de Napoléon de la grand armée . Paris
Ségur, P.P. . 1825 . Histoire de Napoléon de la grand armée . Paris
Sekoundinos, N. . 1472 . De epistolari dicendi genere . Naples
Selden, J. . 1685 . Fleta . London
Selden, J. . 1618 . Historie of tithes . London
Selden, J. . 1618 . Historie of tithes . London
Selden, J. . 1618 . Historie of tithes . London
Selden, J. . 1618 . Historie of tithes . London
Selden, J. . 1635 . Mare clausum . London
