Sources by Authors

Please note: Only sources with information about their authors are listed. To view all sources, please click here.
Waghenaer, L.J. . 1588 . Mariners mirrour . London
Waghenaer, L.J. . 1588 . Mariners mirrour . London
Waghenaer, L.J. . 1588 . Mariners mirrour . London
Waim, G. . 1519 . Tractatus noticiarum . Paris
Waim, G. . 1519 . Tractatus noticiarum . Paris
Wakefield, P. . 1810 . Family tour through the British Empire . London
Walckenaer, C.A. . 1803 . Eugènie . Paris
Walcott, M.Edward Cha . 1868 . Memorials of Canterbury Cathedral . Canterbury
Walcott, M.E.C. . 1852 . William of Wykeham and his colleges . Winchester
Waldegrave, J. . 1821 . Memoirs from 1754 to 1758 . London
Waldron, G. . 1731 . Compleat works in verse and prose . Oxford
Waldron, G. . 1731 . Compleat works in verse and prose . Oxford
Waley, J. . 1550 . Here beginneth the seinge of urines . London
Walker, C. . 1648 . Anarchia Anglicana . London
Walker, W.S. . 1849 . Corpus poetarum Latinorum . London
Walker, J. . 1781 . Elements of elocution . London
Walker, J. . 1781 . Elements of elocution . London
Walker, E. . 1705 . Historical discourses, upon several occasions . London
Walker, J.Cooper . 1786 . Historical memoirs of the Irish bards . Dublin
Walkington, T. . 1631 . Optick glasse of humors . London
Walkington, T. . 1631 . Optick glasse of humors . London
Wallace, R.Grenville . 1823 . Fifteen years in India . London
Waller, E. . 1685 . Divine poems . London
Waller, E. . 1668 . Poems . London
Waller, E. . 1686 . Poems &c . London
Waller, E. . 1711 . Poems, &c. written upon several occasions . London
Waller, E. . 1744 . Works . London
Waller, E. . 1744 . Works . London
Waller, E. . 1729 . Works … in verse and prose [ed. E. Fenton] . London
Waller, E. . 1729 . Works … in verse and prose [ed. E. Fenton] . London
Wallhausen, J.J. von . 1615 . Art militaire pour l’infanterie . Oppenheim
Wallis, J. . 1695 . Opera mathematica . Oxford
Walpole, H. . 1752 . Aedes Walpolianae . London
Walpole, H. . 1762 . Anecdotes of painting in England . Strawberry Hill
Walpole, H. . 1763 . Anecdotes of painting in England . Strawberry Hill
Walpole, H. . 1763 . Anecdotes of painting in England . Strawberry Hill
